Nigerian Pidgin (pcm) | Change Language (Change Language)
  1. 2005-10-01 An article by Francis Hallé in Nature and Resources, Volume 32, Number 3, 1996, explains several techniques used to “improve, select, propagate or preserve plant growth.” These techniques are called “phytopractices.” Most of them are inexpensive and simple to use but labor-intensive. The...
  2. 2016-10-18 Cory Thede, working on the north coast of Haiti, sent a note about a local chaya plant with a lower branch that mutated to a wild stinging type. He commented, “After I backed up against it, it gave me an itchy rash on my arm for about a week. The upper branch is regular and almost spineless.” He...
  3. 2007-01-01 This book serves as a companion to 100 Tropical Fruits, Nuts, and Spices for the Central African Home Garden. Drawing on over 30 years of experience in Central Africa, Roy Danforth and fellow authors have developed this manual to guide people in establishing a variety of multipurpose trees in the...
  4. Custard apple is a medium sized, semi-deciduous tree, up to 10 m in height, with large yellow-brown custard textured fruit. The fruit can be up to 15 cm in diameter, has a sweet flavor, and is usually consumed fresh.
  5. Biriba is a semi-deciduous tree, up to 10m in height, that thrives in hot, humid weather, and is related to the Annonas (Soursop, Custard Apple, Atemoya). The fruit, up to 15 cm in diameter, is sweet and creamy, and typically eaten fresh.