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  1. Access AgricultureTraining Video Pastures that are grazed continuously get exhausted and grow little forage for the animals. Divide your pasture in sections using a fence, and let the animals graze one section at a time. When the pasture plants are half-way eaten, move the animals to another...
  2. 1994-07-19 Revival of customary landcare - Tanzania Improving land care Grazing options Landcare in Australia Sustaining agri-culture Livestock and nutrient cycling
  3. 1994-12-19 Women survive on little land - Argentina City farming Hydroponics Bio-intensive gardening - Bangladesh Philippine resettlers start organic gardens Urban agriculture network Gardening on garbage Waste Grazing alternatives The cattle of Chitungwiza
  4. Vasant Saberwal explores the origins of the alarmist rhetoric on land degradation in the western Himalaya, which he finds to be unsubstantiated according to empirical evidence and ecological theory.
  5. Abstract, PhD Thesis, 2018 Ruminants, such as cattle, sheep, and goats, can digest cellulosic substances and can convert plants to products such as milk, meat, wool, and mohair. Pastureland, therefore, is critical to the production of these ruminants and the products they provide. In order to...
  6. When properly implemented, a grazing system can help rangeland and livestock managers achieve management objectives related to rangeland and livestock production and ecosystem structure and function. Selection of the proper grazing system depends upon understanding the unique combination of...
  7. Abstract, Sustainability, 2018 Grazing land ecosystem services including food provision and climate regulation are greatly influenced by soil health. This paper provides a condensed review of studies on the response of three important soil properties related to soil health to grazing land...
  8. 2004-01-01 This is a book about a remarkable method of handling cattle on the range, written for the benefit of the range rider. Bud Williams teaches a remarkable method called low stree livestock handling.
  9. 1993-03-19 Many of us know alfalfa as a nutritious, temperate, leguminous, hay crop. We usually do not think of it as a species to be grazed. After 12 years of testing and development scientists at the University of Georgia have developed the high yielding, grazing tolerant variety called ‘Alfagraze’.