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  1. Abstract, Annals of Botany, 2014 Recruiting wild halophytes with economic potential was suggested several decades ago as a way to reduce the damage caused by salinization of soil and water. A range of cultivation systems for the utilization of halophytes have been developed, for the production of...
  2. Abstract, 2017, Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry Salt-induced land degradation has gradually increased in several major irrigation schemes within arid and semiarid regions. To maximize crop productivity under saline conditions, either salt tolerance crops should be cultivated or areas...
  3. 2000-09-20 Fallow management Nutrient banks or nutrient access Buhid shifting cultivators adapt land use Analog forestry Regenerative analog agroforestry in Brazil Marketing of forest and agricultural products Sustainable agriculture on the forest margin Livestock and forage management in stablising...
  4. One way to intensify fish culture without an input of expensive feed is through polyculture. In this way the natural food produced in the culture environment is utilized to a greater extent through compatible or complementary feeding habits of fish which do not compete with each other. In order...
  5. 1998-01-02 The magic and mystery of companion planting have intrigued and fascinated humans for centuries, yet it is a part of the gardening world that has never been fully explored. First published in 1975, this classic companion planting guide has taught a generation of gardeners how to use plants'...
  6. Abstract, 2013, InTech Companion planting has received less attention from researchers than other diversification schemes (such as insectary plants and cover crops), but this strategy is widely utilized by organic growers [8, 9]. Generally, recommendations on effective companion-target pairings...
  7. Garden design is cri7cal for seNng the stage for garden success and environmental stewardship. In this training we consider a polycultures approach to garden design. The concept embraces growing mul7ple crops in the same space, in imita7on of the diversity of natural ecosystems....
  8. Abstract, 2018, Global Sustainability Ten thousand years ago, humans begun domesticating wild annual plants to create the cereals and pulses that provide the mainstay of our food. The choice to domesticate annuals initiated the expansion of a novel and ecologically simple food-producing...