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  1. Android / iOS Weawow is a weather forecast service with beautiful photos by photographers.The photos reflect the current weather at your location, showing you whether it’s fair, cloudy, rainy, snowy, so you can decide whether you’ll need your umbrella or your sunglasses when you go out. When you...
  2. 2022-04-12 The main purpose of this article is to create awareness of microcontrollers as a low-cost approach for real-time monitoring of environmental factors related to small-scale agriculture. The first section presents potential uses of data, such as air and soil temperature, which can be monitored...
  3. Access Agriculture Training Video In a notebook, you can write down the predictions of the weather based on natural indicators, the actual daily weather, the farm activities and crop performance. This allows you to learn from year to year, share experiences with others and better plan for the...
  4. Access Agriculture Training Video Weather Underground is the name of a weather app which is easy and free to download on your cell phone. The app makes weather forecasts every day for a week. The data is updated constantly if you have an Internet connection. Available languages Arabic Aymara...