1. 25-02-2025 This presentation will go over what GM/CCs are and an example of how they can be used. According to the FAO, "Green manure/cover crops are plants that are grown to provide soil cover and to improve the physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of soil."
  2. 26-02-2025 In this presentation, topics include: An agricultural ecosystem What is an ecosystem? Historic Approaches to Agroecology Brainstorming biotic & abiotic factors. And, finally, a case study to demonstrate how an agroecosystem is an agricultural ecosystem (shaped by humans)
  3. 26-02-2025 This presentation will cover: What does biogas technology mean to a small holder farmer? What is Biogas? Types of biogas systems Dissemination of Biogas Technology
  4. 26-02-2025 This Presentation will go over the benefits of Carbonized Rice Husk(CRH): Very good in soil fertilizer and conditioner as it contains phosphorous (k), calcium (ca), and magnesium (mg) nutrients vital for crop growth It controls soil-borne diseases, for example, it creates a bad conditioner for...
  5. 26-02-2025 The topics in this presentation include: Presenting an example of one solar dryer type and how it works Report on experience with using this solar dryer Think about ways to use solar food dryers to improve household nutrition and rural livelihood. Share ideas on ways to improve the dryer or make...
  6. 26-02-2025 Learnings from project holders and farmers especially through the work of Heifer International Partners in Tanzania. Livestock are a beneficial part of most agricultural systems, contrary to some modern theories of their obsolescence in a world spoiled by human-induced climate change. Smallholder...
  7. 26-02-2025 Les ressources en eau et en terres sont essentielles au développement économique et social des pays et le BURUNDI est une préoccupation. Ces ressources subissent de fortes pressions dues à la croissance démographique, à la surexploitation des terres et à la demande croissante de ressources...
  8. 01-10-2019 This workshop will discuss the following: how coffee is graded. price differentials in coffee contracts. how to help farmers increase their quality to receive higher prices at market.
  9. Key Resource 22-10-2025 Save the Date! How can we help small scale farming initiatives thrive in Asia? We can provide low-cost, innovative options that allow people to grow both their crops and their knowledge, expand their operations, and thrive! Join us October 22-24for 3-days of networking and opportunities to...
  10. 09-11-2023 This presentation showcases Infonet-Biovision, an online platform that promotes ecological technologies and organic agriculture in Africa. Initiated in 2005 by Biovision Foundation in Zurich, Infonet provides scientifically validated information related to plant, animal, human, and environmental...