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Agriculture and livelihood projects focus on helping people provide food for themselves and their families in the longer term. We work with farmers to increase their yields through sustainable agriculture practices, and help people generate more income from what they grow.

  1. Since 2014, the Foodgrains Bank network has sponsored a Conservation Agriculture Capacity Development Program to maximize coordination and learning between Canadian Foodgrains Bank members and partners implementing Conservation Agriculture (CA) programming in sub-Saharan Africa. This program has...
  2. 20/04/2020 Soil infertility is a key constraint to improving crop production for small-scale farmers. Soils throughout Canadian Foodgrains Bank members’ program areas are degraded and deficient in nutrients and organic matter. Soil testing measures the soil’s health and nutrient holding capacity and...
  3. 20/04/2017 Agricultura de Conservação (AC) — Caracterizada pelos três princípios vinculados de minimizar a perturbação do solo, cobrir permanentemente o solo e incluir culturas rotativas e associadas – tem provado ser eficaz para restaurar a saúde e fertilidade do solo, melhorar a captura e uso das chuvas e...
  4. Os agricultores do sul do Níger recuperaram 5 milhões de hectares de terra e aumentaram a produção de alimentos em mais de 500.000 toneladas por ano, gerenciando árvores e arbustos, que ocorrem naturalmente, com a Regeneração Natural Administrada por Agricultores (FMNR). O movimento FMNR começou...
  5. Agriculture and livelihood projects focus on helping people provide food for themselves and their families in the longer term. We work with farmers to increase their yields through sustainable agriculture practices, and help people generate more income from what they grow.
  6. Equilibrar as necessidades da pecuária e a necessidade de manter os solos cobertos é um desafio contínuo com a agricultura de conservação em todo o mundo. Quando os resíduos da colheita, a erva e os materiais de cobertura morta são escassos, a saúde animal e a saúde do solo são prejudicadas. A...
  7. Lesson plans and activities for children and youth to learn about issues related to world hunger. Ourgoalis a world without hunger.
  8. Services to Foodgrains Bank members and partners have included on-site training, facilitation of exchange visits and annual networking events, and information sharing with stakeholders outside of the Foodgrains Bank network. By 2018, these efforts had helped contribute to a doubling in the...
  9. 20/01/2017 What is extension? Traditionally extension has been an approach where information from researchers has been transferred to farmers through extension personnel. The information flow in that case was top down (from researchers to farmers). The assumption was that farmers lack knowledge and hence...
  10. Session:Conservation Agriculture (CA) provides clear soil conservation benefits, but meta-analyses from across sub-Saharan Africa indicate that CA on its own only provides a small increase in yields – not enough for most farmers to overcome food insecurity in the short term. Taking a more...