
  1. Resources associated with the Conservation Agriculture Core Training Resources
  2. 20/01/2017 What is extension? Traditionally extension has been an approach where information from researchers has been transferred to farmers through extension personnel. The information flow in that case was top down (from researchers to farmers). The assumption was that farmers lack knowledge and hence...
  3. 20/04/2017 Agricultura de Conservação (AC) — Caracterizada pelos três princípios vinculados de minimizar a perturbação do solo, cobrir permanentemente o solo e incluir culturas rotativas e associadas – tem provado ser eficaz para restaurar a saúde e fertilidade do solo, melhorar a captura e uso das chuvas e...
  4. 20/04/2020 Soil infertility is a key constraint to improving crop production for small-scale farmers. Soils throughout Canadian Foodgrains Bank members’ program areas are degraded and deficient in nutrients and organic matter. Soil testing measures the soil’s health and nutrient holding capacity and...
  5. Throughout history, the loss of arable land has attended the decline of great civilizations, from Mesopotamia to the Nile. Now with the stresses of environmental change and ever increasing demands on agricultural productivity, efforts to maintain the viability of our agricultural natural...
  6. This presentation discusses past and new research on the farm-level economics of conservation agriculture in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa, with implications for agricultural extension, research and development programs. The University of Western Australia
  7. Dr. Theodore Friedrich of the FAO explains the 3 Conservation Agriculture principles: Continuous minimum mechanical soil disturbance Permanent organic soil cover Diversification of species grown in rotation or association at the same time He explains the implications of Conservation Agriculture...
  8. Soil erosion has become a growing problem as Climate Change destroys soil through droughts and floods. But a World Bank supported practice known as Conservation Agriculture not only protects the soil, it also saves farmers time and money. World Bank
  9. Where and How can Conservation Agriculture work for Africa African Conservation Tillage Network
  10. Video resources relating to : Introduction to Conservation Agriculture Soil and Water Management Conservation Agriculture Mechanization Weed Management In Conservation Agriculture
  11. 01/01/1981 O propósito deste livro é mostrar para fazendeiros locais e outros os passos básicos para projetar, execute, e meça um agrícola experięncia. Este livro năo cobre anlysis estatístico; é assumida isso treinada estatísticos estăo disponíveis para isto propósito.