01/01/1996 Obtendo mais leite através dum melhor maneio Este Agrodok fornece informação sobre os aspectos principais da criação de gado leiteiro nas regiões tropicais, como sejam a alimentação, selecção, cuidados de saúde, reprodução e registo. Este manual é dirigido a produtores agropecuários em pequena...
20/04/2002 Livestock production Livestock Revolution Livestock strategies in Bolivia Climate-soil-pasture-cattle interactions in Brazil Integrated systems Dry rivers Zero grazing in Kenya Cuban experience in integrated farming Llam production in Bolivia Dutch dairy farmers Predatory ants
Access Agriculture Training Video To reduce the foul odour in your shed, place dry husks, sawdust, coconut dust or straw on the floor and regularly spray it with good micro-organisms. By adding micro-organisms to concentrate feed, silage or green fodder, this improves the nutrition and digestion....
This report gives details of 4 experiments, the results obtained and based on these, the recommendations made regarding feeding and working strategies. The four experiments were investigating the energy costs of walking on soils of different consistencies and the efficiencies of doing work,...
Key Resource10/11/1992 This book covers the theory and principles of animal nutrition, with a chapter on each of the main nutrient groups, and applies it to economic production of cattle, sheep, goats and other ruminants in hot climates. The contents include topics on food intake, grazing and browsing, feeding fibrous...