20/01/2019 The Resilient Seed Systems Handbook Second Edition, developed by a multidisciplinary team of Bioversity International researchers and research partners, is a tool that supports research and capacity building on resilient seed systems in the context of adaptation to climate change. The first...
Abstract,Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 2013 Rice is the second major food crop in central Asia. Climate change may greatly affect the rice production in the region. This study quantifies the effects of projected increases in temperature and atmospheric CO2concentration on the...
23/11/2010 Conventional agriculture destroys our soils, pollutes our water, and is a major contributor to climate change. What if our agricultural practices could stabilize, or even reverse these trends? The Biochar Solutionexplores the dual function of biochar as a carbon-negative energy source and a...
30/04/2015 This document draws from the MEAS brief #3Adaptation under the New Normal of Climate Change: The Future of Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services. Written for extension and advisory service providers, the MEAS brief contains insights helpful to practitioners working to develop strategies...
Arid Lands Information Network (ALIN) is an International NGO that facilitates information and knowledge exchange to and between extension workers or infomediaries and arid lands communities in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. The information exchange activities focus on small-scale sustainable...
16/04/2013 Smallholder farmers and agricultural development workers are reporting changes in climate. For example, during the 2012 ECHO Agricultural Workshop in Asia, 63 attendees representing at least 25 agriculture and community development organizations from across Myanmar were polled about their...
Climate-smart agriculture(CSA) is an integrative approach to address these interlinked challenges offood securityandclimate change, that explicitly aims for three objectives: Sustainably increasing agriculturalproductivity, to support equitable increases in farm incomes, food security and...
This issue of Tearfund's Footsteps publication looks at some major topics, and considers how all of us can play a role in making our communities, our agriculture and our activities more sustainable. Can the world’s nations come together to solve the massive global issue of climate change? The...
The Cornell Institute for Climate Change and Agriculture (CICCA) serves as a focal point to facilitate research, education, and outreach to help farmers in the Northeast become more resilient to extreme weather and climate variability and reduce their impact on climate change, through increased...
19/11/2015 This talk will focus on the positive results we have obtained and hope to further achieve by using Conservation Agriculture (CA), as well as the main barriers and challenges faced in implementing CA in differing contexts. We will explore how CA can be scaled-up given the context-specific nature...