01/01/2007 une approche pratique du traitement des maladies du bétail en Afrique subsaharienne Jusqu’en 1989, les pratiques ethnovet étaient appliquées par des individus, avec peu de coordination. En 1989 fut fondé le Conseil d’ethnomédecine vétérinaire du Cameroun qui comprend environ 300 membres, tous...
01/01/2005 An estimate in 1996 shows that the gap in demand and supply of veterinary healthcare products is Rs 7600 to10500 million. Veterinary care reaches to only 20% of livestock owners. Hence, there enormous scope to develop standardized herbal products for veterinary health care. The key issues...
01/01/2007 Ethnoveterinary medicine is the name given to the way in which most livestock keepers in Cameroon and other countries treat animal health problems. Ethnovet practices are important because they are easily availalbe, inexpensive and effective, especially in rural areas where veterinary services...