28/01/2022 Este livrinho descreve os materiais e o método usados para construir uma "casa ciclone" à prova de tempestades em Vanuatu. Um apêndice oferece a oportunidade para uma discussão mais aprofundada das questões ambientais que ele levanta. Usando material de um artigo por Jon Letman, patrocinado pelo...
01/01/1993 A comprehensive, easy-to-use, do-it-yourself guide covers everything about tools, hardware, and building materials, from basic skills to advanced techniques, in more than two thousand photographs and step-by-step diagrams.
Floor plans, drawings, specifications, and descriptions are provided for efficiently and ecologically designed family houses, studio livingspaces, hillside homes, and underground and passive solar-tempered houses. 316 pgs, illustrations, pictures
Shelter is a basic human need. Thus, providing adequate housing is a fundamental development objective but it is also highly complex. Successful housing activities can rarely be isolated from the development of associated infrastructure—e.g., water, sanitation, transport—and social services. The...
Readers will be moved by this exciting story of real-life good Samaritans in this uplifting story of Habitat for Humanity. Fuller tells how he came to be touched with the needs of others for affordable housing. He incorporates testimonies from celebrities - Jimmy Carter, Tom Brokaw, Paul Newman...