1. Pig production certified organic by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is a relatively small part of U.S. agriculture. Although demand for organic meat is strong in the United States, high prices for organic grains and the challenges of raising pigs in compliance with the USDA organic...
  2. Um livrinho sobre a criação e cuidados de porcos, levando você a escolher um local, criar porcos, escolher qual raça ter, alimentar e cuidar deles e, finalmente, abatendo-os para obter uma carne deliciosa. Adaptado de um papel técnico produzido por Ação Prática no Nepal e usada com permissão...
  3. 01/01/1985 Produçăo de suíno provę carne vermelha para a dieta humana, usa menos alimente que é exigida produzir carne de boi ou cordeiro, e também é um fonte de espera e cozinhando gordura. Suínos de também săo comedor de carniça, e possa fazer uso produtivo de muitos materiais que seriam caso contrário...
  4. 01/07/2003 Sustainable Agriculture Network This publication includes fourparts, alternative hog production systems, environmental benefits,marketing options for pork and community, family and lifestyle benefits. 16 pages, illustrated, photos
  5. The treatment of most diseases is described in general terms as the book is intedned for the use of Veterinary Surgeions who, in Britian, are supplied annually with the compnedium of Data Sheets for Veterinary Products. This publication contains the data sheets which give details of the...
  6. This document has been prepared to help swine practitioners in their efforts to use antimicrobials judiciously to minimize the development of resistance in human and animal pathogens while maintaining effectiveness to treat and prevent diseases of food animals.
  7. This book has been written primarily as a reference material for students and teachers in agricultural schools, small and large scale swine porucers and extension agents of government and private agencies. It is a compilation of selected hand-outs prepared by swine specialist at the Department of...
  8. This publication talks about energy and protein feeds and additives. It also discribes feeding the sow herd.
  9. The 9th Revision of this essential reference presents new knowledge about the nutritional needs of swine that consider such factors as growth rate, carcass leanness, gender, health, environment, and repartitioning agents. New sections are presented on requirements for amino acids and other...
  10. This book discusses how the veterinary profession could play a more signifcant role in the swine industry thus improve improving both the profession and the industry.