1. 04/03/2021 Una explicación detallada de cómo construir un carro tirado por burros o una ambulancia. Usa con permiso material de Practical Action Ilustraciones adicionales por MissionAssist Esta edición fue publicada en el Reino Unido en 2024 por MissionAssist Copyright 2024 MissionAssist Se permite la...
  2. 29/01/2024 Conselhos sobre como fazer e ajustar uma boa sela para que você e seu animal possam trabalhar melhor. Usando material do ‘Como fazer, ajustar e usar uma sela de carga Publicado pelo Santuário de Jumentos (The Donkey Sanctuary), Devon, Reino Unido. Usado com grata permissão Esta edição publicada...
  3. This book provides an illustrated guide to low-cost forms of transport. Its purpose is to focus attention on the real transport needs of developing communities, and to inform decision-makers about the range of low-cost vehicles available to meet many of those needs. The heart of the book is a...
  4. Compiled on behalf of the Animal Traction Network for Eastern and South Africa (ATNESA) as a resource book on animal-drawn carts, these guidelines cover all aspects of their design, production and marketing. Full details - with many three dimensional drawings - are given of the construction of a...
  5. The purpose of this manual is to provide a simple guide to the design and manufacture of carts so that the technology is made known to a wide audience, including decision-makers and planners who should be aware of the potential range of proven low-cost vehicles, and producers are provided with...