A Caution about Euphorbia tirucalli
“Farmers near Kabale in Kenya describe traditions, now considered superstitious, that certain euphorbias cause cancer when planted near the homestead.” Now the carcinogenic effects of one common living fence species, Euphorbia tirucalli, have been described. The active carcinogen has been found not only in the plant itself, but in extracts from nearby soil, vegetables and drinking water. “The report suggests that Burkitt’s lymphoma, a common childhood cancer in East Africa, is caused in part by consumption of water and vegetables from sites near this euphorbia.” The plant grows profusely in Kenya’s Eastern, Western and Nyanza Provinces and in parts of Tanzania. In southwestern Uganda it is widely planted as a living fence to exclude livestock from protected springs, suggesting the frightening prospect that water that has been assumed safe is in fact very hazardous.”
Engaging Non-Governmental Organizations in Newcastle Disease Control
Thomas Broughton and Erwin Kinsey
Church-based missions and other small non-government organizations can be responsive to the interests of communities, and can promote a sustainable model of rural poultry vaccination— sometimes more effectively than the district or local government alone.
What does a typical model of a sustainable Newcastle disease (ND) control program consist of for rural poultry keepers?
Village Chickens, Food Security and Poverty Alleviation: The Benefits of Newcastle Disease Control in Southern Africa
Robyn Alders
Village chickens can be found in all developing countries and play a vital role in many poor rural households. They provide scarce animal protein in the form of meat and eggs and can be sold or bartered to meet essential family needs such as medicine, clothes and school fees. Village poultry are active in pest control, provide manure, are required for special festivals and are essential for many traditional ceremonies. The output of village poultry is lower than that of intensively raised birds but it is obtained with minimal input in terms of housing, disease control, management and supplementary feeding. They are generally owned and managed by women and children and are often essential elements of female-headed households
Planning an Agricultural Project
Brad Ward
It has been said that a goal without a plan is just a wish. Studies have shown that individuals with clear, written goals are significantly more likely to succeed than those without clearly defined goals. For example, a study conducted by Gail Matthews, Ph.D., at the Dominican University, found that individuals with written goals had a 42% higher success rate in achieving their goals than those without written goals. In addition, the study showed that individuals who made a public commitment to their goals by sharing them with a friend and allowing themselves to be held accountable to their action plans were 78% more likely to realize success. To be sure, our best efforts don’t always result in our definition of success, and we need to rely daily on God so He can direct and even change our path. But Matthews’ oft-quoted study illustrates the effectiveness of not only setting goals, but also writing them down and partnering with others as we seek to be better stewards.
Seed Production of Uberlandia Carrots in Semi-Arid Africa
Currently, seeds of all carrot varieties grown in hot sub-Saharan Africa are imported from regions with temperate climates such as Europe and USA. It has not been easy to produce carrot seeds in hot Africa, because carrots require exposure to cold temperatures (vernalization) to induce flowering. We have developed an alternative way for seed production.