1. 1990-01-01 North and South are becoming more aware of how they are inseparately linked and of an increasing stifling physical and social environment marked by the greenhouse effect, an unstable climate, extreme overpopulation, the worldwide AIDS epidemic, debt, drugs, and war. The IDRC has been forging...
  2. This book is a tribute to Norman Ernest Borlaug who is known as the father of the Green Revolution for saving "more lives than any other person who has ever lived" through his agricultural and humanitarian work.
  3. Key Resource 2000-01-01 This book articulates a Scriptural world-view which endows the ministry of Christian volunteers around the world-relief and developmental workers as well as traditional missionaries-with Creation-care values that are both biblical and enlightened and can help unlock the secret of why we are here...
  4. 2008-01-01 Mission Wild One Man's Adventures in Saving the Planet by Don Richards God is the Creator of this world and has given mankind the authority to look after it. Don, through his autobiography and adventures as a game ranger and later as a missionary in Africa and the Amazon, encourages Christians...
  5. Why is it that many Christians find a theological-scientific debate about creation's ancient origins far more engaging than a speech about how to live responsibly in the creation today? Are we more fascinated by academic debates that focus our gaze on what happened long ago than by the hands-on...
  6. 2012-01-01 God is reconciling all things in heaven and on earth. We are alienated not only from one another, but also from the land that sustains us. Our ecosystems are increasingly damaged, and human bodies are likewise degraded. Most of us have little understanding of how our energy is derived or our food...
  7. 2022-11-15 Session:Learn a model of combining regenerative agriculture, re-vegetation, and biodiversity protection in order to protect, restore and reconnect ecosystems to create healthy, connected and productive landscapes where people and nature flourish.
  8. 2019-01-01 Pandan yon moun sou late ap soufri grangou, lemonn jounen jodi a gen devwa pou li reflechi yan lot fwa anko sou kijan li konprann travay te epi kijan li konprann anviwonman an, Nou menm ki Kretyen, nou ta sipoze devan tout moun nan jan nou okipe yon kreyasyon ki ap plenn. Pou n' onore Senye nou...
  9. 2007-01-01 Following several decades of popularity after the Second World War, the use of synthetic herbicides is now experiencing a backlash within the agriculture industry. The increase in organic farming and concerns about potential negative effects on human health and the environment is creating a...
  10. 1999-01-01 A collection of messages brought at the Washington Forum for all attending to deepen their understanding of worldwide humanitarian needs and issues and to become better informed onthe subject.