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401 items found (Showing 1 - 10)
  1. Key Resource 2014-02-26 Pastoralism is a livelihood whereby people depend upon herding domesticated livestock. In East Africa, pastoralists depend primarily upon cattle, sheep, donkeys, goats and camels— listed in order of least resilience as one moves into drier and more arid lowland areas. Pastoralists play an...  
  2. Key Resource 2017-05-26 By integrating legumes into cropping systems, small-scale farmers in low-resource settings can invest in the long-term health and resilience of their soils. Success or failure depends largely on choosing the right legume(s). With that in mind, this document presents insights on legume selection...  
  3. Key Resource 2021-04-06 Part 2 of 4 in a series about Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Insect pests affect all forms of agricultural production, from densely planted field crops to high-value nursery plants to grains in storage. A pest management plan should start with foundational knowledge about local pest species and...  
  4. Key Resource 2011-01-01 A sand dam is a reinforced concrete wall built across a seasonal river to hold underground water in sand (see above photo of Nzaaya Muisyo sand dam, Eastern province, Kenya). It is initially built one meter high and up to 90 meters across. During the heavy and erratic seasonal rains, the water...  
  5. Presentation slides and videos by year and event.
  6. Key Resource 1987-11-01 This 505 page book is an exceptionally exhaustive source of information on tropical and subtropical fruits. It is a well-illustrated and very readable, practical guide for those interested in growing tropical and subtropical fruits either for the home garden or commercially. The fruits are...  
  7. 2011 Presentations - ECHO East Africa Symposium  
  8. 2014 Presentations - ECHO East Africa Symposium
  9. 2013 Presentations - ECHO East Africa Symposium  
  10. 2015 Presentations - ECHO East Africa Symposium