1. Rasilimali Muhimu 01-01-2000 Briquettes made from materials that cost little or no money to obtain, such as old newspaper or unutilized plant waste, can be a cost-effective alternate fuel to charcoal or firewood. This could alleviate the harsh pressures put on many forests for providing enough fuel energy to meet people’s...
  2. 16-10-2020 On September 3, 2020, ECHO held its first virtual Appropriate Technology (AT) Fair. As this year has brought many challenges for in-person gatherings, we were grateful for all who took advantage of the shift towards virtual gatherings and participated in this event. It was an enriching time for...
  3. Ikiongozwa na Kituo chetu cha Athari za Kikanda Afrika Mashariki, ECHO iliandaa maonyesho ya Teknolojia Sahihi katika Mkutano wetu wa Kimataifa wa Kilimo mnamo 2019, ulio na teknolojia zaidi ya 20 tofauti. Wajumbe wetu waligundua na kushirikiana na zana hizi, kupanua uwezekano. Kwa kuzingatia...
  4. 01-01-1986 This book is a catalogue of information that supports the activities of village workers all over Papua New Guinea.
  5. 01-10-2007 Echo, Inc. 20 pages, illustrated, photos
  6. 19-06-1964 The major purpose of this handbook is to describe low-cost activities that can be locally developed by villagers. This second edition aims at helping to generate village-improvement in many nations through listing additional ideas, methods and materials that have proven useful in villages...
  7. Small is Possible is an account of what is being done by the Intermediate Technology Development Group and its counterpart organizations overseas, including those in Africa, India and Latin America, and a description of the alternative technology movements in Britain, the U.S. and Canada. These...
  8. 01-12-1996 108 pages, tables
  9. Compiled on behalf of the Animal Traction Network for Eastern and South Africa (ATNESA) as a resource book on animal-drawn carts, these guidelines cover all aspects of their design, production and marketing. Full details - with many three dimensional drawings - are given of the construction of a...
  10. Using traditional cheesemaking methods, this book gives an idea of the opportunities that cheesemaking offers as a source of rural employment, and of the problems that will be encountered by anyone planning to start such a business.