1. 01-01-1988 You can keep bees as an interesting hobby or as a source of income. This booklet provides you with information on how to work with honey bees. In most regions of the world this will be the European bee Apis mellifera, although in large parts of (sub)tropical Asia the rather similar species Apis...
  2. 19-03-1993 Livestock issue Mushrooming income for women Beekeeping Chiapas sheep Crossbreeding Soil classification Improved cultivars
  3. 01-01-2001 Small-scale beekeeping is an attractive cash crop option for resource-poor farmers in the tropics. It demands little in the way of time, finances or natural resources, and the honey and beeswax harvested can be processed in the home and sold locally. At the same time, pollination by honeybees...
  4. 01-01-2020 *Available as Download Only This is a practical tool to help beekeepers, veterinarians and beekeeping advisory services to properly identify main honeybee diseases and to take the most appropriate actions in the apiary to control and/or prevent disease outbreaks. This publication follows the TECA...
  5. 01-07-2003 This is a collection of articles on beekeeping with information on the basics, differenct styles of hives such as frame hives and top-bar hives, and other information on bees in the tropics. 2 Copies
  6. In this book the reader will obtain information of value for rational management of the africanized bees.
  7. 01-01-1988 This is a practical book, designed both for small-scale beekeepers and for those engaged in the honey industry, to explain the principles that can be applied to determine a honey's origin. Such investigations involve the microscopic examination of pollen and other particles in a honey which...
  8. 01-01-2007 This Series contains 14fold-out leaflets,practical for use in the field and easy to read. Covering multiple subjects, it gives some background to the subject, outlines processes and provides tips, tables and explanatory line drawings. 1. Rearing Dairy Goats 2. How To Control Striga And Stemborer...
  9. Hiki kijikaratasi chenye kurasa 8, kinachofaa kwa matumizi kivitendo na ambacho ni rahisi kusoma, kinashughulikia suala la jinsi ya kufuga nyuki na kuchakata asali. Pamoja na kutoa rejea ya somo lenyewe, kijikaratasi hiki pia hutoa maelezo na mapendekezo mbalimbali kwa kutumia majedwali na...
  10. Access Agriculture Training Video In traditional hives, the bees make their own wax combs that are often attached to each other, so harvesting the honey is difficult. Honey can be extracted only two or three times a year from a traditional beehive. A modern beehive produces double to triple the...