Dans presque tous les pays du monde, les abeilles et leurs produits sont non seulement bien connus et prisés par les consommateurs, mais aussi ils fournissent des moyens de subsistance durables à de nombreux petits agriculteurs et autres communautés rurales et non rurales. Les abeilles offrent un grand potentiel avec peu d'investissements. En tant qu'une entreprise agricole, l'apiculture ne nécessite pas un titre de possession de propriété foncière ou d'affermage de ladite propriété, on peut démarrer l'entreprise avec des équipements et des outils qui peuvent être obtenus localement et, dans de nombreux cas, les compétences et les connaissances requises pour une telle entreprise se trouvent dans les traditions locales. En tant qu'entreprise commerciale, elle offre non seulement des produits divers tels que le miel et la cire, entre autres, qui peuvent être vendus sur les marchés locaux et devenir une source importante de revenus réguliers pour les familles agricoles, mais peut également fournir des services complémentaires, telle que la pollinisation des cultures. De plus, les produits apicoles améliorent la nutrition des familles agricoles et constitue une source de remèdes dans les soins de santé traditionnels.

  1. Ressource principale 01/08/1984 Several types of hives and their construction will be described but it must always be kept in mind that availability of materials is of extreme importance. There are places where lumber is readily available at reasonable prices and, certainly, if it is termite-proof or termite-proofed it is the...
  2. 01/03/2021 Stingless Beekeeping, or Meliponiculture, is the keeping of bees from the tribe Meliponini. Stingless bees comprise hundreds of species with there being a possible 89 confirmed species in Subtropical/Tropical Asia and Australia alone (Rasmussen, 2008); and, while many are able to produce honey,...
  3. Rearing of honey bees is called Apiculture. Keeping bees at a large scale for commercial purposes as a business is increasing in this fast growing world. Apiculture is related to agriculture or is a part of agriculture. Apiculture or bee keeping business need less investment of money and...
  4. 19/05/1982 It is possible that the water repellent just described would be especially helpful for treating wood that is to be used in constructing bee hives. But be careful if you add toxic chemicals to turn it into a water-repellent preservative.
  5. 01/01/1988 This is a practical book, designed both for small-scale beekeepers and for those engaged in the honey industry, to explain the principles that can be applied to determine a honey's origin. Such investigations involve the microscopic examination of pollen and other particles in a honey which...
  6. 29/11/2016 The first simple step toward protecting our pollinators is to provide the flowers they need, using no pesticides. With abundant native wildflowers, your task is even simpler: don't mow them down! This field guide identifies the plants that honey bees and native bees- as well as butterflies,...
  7. 31/08/2012 175 pp : ill. 2 copies "Natural hive management for honey, beeswax, and pollination" Beekeepers continue to face tremendous challenges, from pests, diseases, pollution, climate change, and, in recent years, from the mysterious and devastating phenomenon knows as Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD)....
  8. 13/09/2019 Pragmatic and whimsical, Dancing with Bees is the provocative memoir of one wildlife gardener rekindling her relationship with nature by getting to know some extraordinary, magical, little beings. Brigit Strawbridge Howard was shocked the day she realised she knew more about the French Revolution...
  9. 14/02/2019 Session: This workshop seeks to draw together people involved in or interested in top-bar beekeeping. Drawing from our experience of starting beekeeper groups in rural villages in the Mwanza region, we will discuss challenges faced, lessons learned and also the potential for the future of...
  10. Phil Chandler - the Barefoot Beekeeper has some videos on building and maintaining top bar hives.
  11. Abstract, 2018, Journal of Economic Entomology Numerous papers have shown that propolis contributes favorably to worker honey bee (Apis melliferaL.) immune response and colony social immunity. Moreover, resin-foraging specialists are more sensitive than pollen foragers to tactile information in...
  12. 14/07/2015 In northern Thailand, widespread mono-cropping has led to environmental changes which have affected the natural habitat of bees, resulting in diminishing numbers and reduced honey production. As ECHO Asia already has a variety of different flower species, trialing honey production seemed like a...
  13. 20/02/2013
  14. 02/03/2016 Session: The presentation details how African Beekeepers can use The Hive Business Model to build and sustain profitable beekeeping businesses using The Hive Beekeepers Starter Kit comprising of the CAB Hive uniquely made to meet the demands of the African bee and how this model completes the...
  15. 20/10/2014
  16. 28/10/2014 Benefits of Beekeeping 1. Bees pollinate crops hence boosting crop yields and household incomes. 2. Honey and other products generate income. People everywhere like honey. Beekeeping is an ideal small scale income generating activity, and there is a ready market for products, both locally and...
  17. 26/03/2015 Apiculture, the scientific management of bees in special enclosures in order to increase yield of hive products and gain pollination benefit, has a great future in Ghana if it is properly harnessed. Traditional method of honey production which is common in many parts of Ghana especially the...
  18. Founded in 1993,Bees for Developmentwas the first organisation to articulate the reasons why beekeeping is such a useful tool for alleviating poverty while helping to retain biodiversity. We focus on simple methods of sustainable beekeeping, always using local bees and local materials. We have...
  19. Determining the Impacts of Pesticide and Nutrition-Induced Stress on Honey Bee Colony Growth and Survival Understanding Honey Bee Microbiota to Improve Bee Nutrition and Colony Health
  20. 01/01/2016 Apis mellifera, or European Honey Bee is only able to take food from250-300 plants in any given location, Grenada is no different. Thismanual is to help with plant identification, advice on planningpropagation and if the plant is a nectar, pollen, or propolis bearing. Megan Wannarka served in...
  21. Ressource principale 01/03/2000 Beekeeping provides rural people in developing countries with sources of income and nutrition. It is a sustainable form of agriculture, which isbeneficial to the environment and provides economic reasons for theretention of native habitats and potentially both increased yield from food and...
  22. Ressource principale 01/01/1982 This is a manual for getting started with small scale beekeeping development projects. The intention is to provide an overview of beekeeping and its possibilities as a tool for development. No attempt is made to duplicate technical information given in other readily available resources on...
  23. Ressource principale 20/01/2005 L'apiculture peut constituer un passe-temps intéressant ou une source de revenus. Cet ouvrage, qui fournit des informations sur l'élevage de l'abeille Apis melifera, traite aussi de la composition et de l'organisation de la vie quotidienne d'une colonie. Il explique les principes de base de...
  24. 01/01/1976 First Lessons in Beekeepingintroduces the prospective beekeeper to the basics of beekeeping through easy-to-understand text and numerous color photos on honey bee biology, beekeeping equipment, management, honey production and processing, as well as disease diagnosis and treatment. In the preface...
  25. APISERVICES - Prestataire au service de l’ensemble de la filière apicole mondiale depuis plus de 30 ans ! Plus de 200 missions dans 131 pays en trente années d'activités ! Website in English, French, Spanish, German
  26. AccessAgriculture Video Traditionnellement, le miel était vendu en rayons, mais de nos jours, la plupart des consommateurs préfèrent le miel extrait des rayons. Ce miel transformé est propre, prêt à la consommation et peut être conservé plus longtemps. Pour vous assurer que le miel maintienne sa...
  27. 14/02/2019 Session: Pollinators are a key component of global biodiversity, providing vital ecosystem services to crops and wild plants. There is clear evidence of recent declines in both wild and domesticated pollinators, and parallel declines in the plants that rely upon them. Here we describe the nature...
  28. This beekeeping dictionary contains terms frequently used by beekeepers and melittologists. The words are taken from various disciplines including beekeeping, entomology, environmental science, biology, chemistry, and botany. Use the comment section below if you would like to add another word.
  29. Beekeeping or apiculture is a long practiced activity in many parts of the world. Bees are a vital part of the ecosystem - one third of the food we eat would not be available were it not for bees' pollination activities. Beekeeping is often done with very simple equipment. Approaches vary in...
  30. The Kenyan Top Bar Hive isn’t mobile. So, this hive is of little interest to commercial beekeepers renting out their bees for pollination. But, the KTBH is an extremely popular design among commercial beekeepers exclusively engaged in honey production as well as with amateur beekeepers interested...
  31. Welcome to the Honey Bee Research Centre's online beekeeping video series! Our goal was to provide new and advanced beekeepers with demonstrations by our staff on a variety of topics ranging from how to open a hive to queen rearing.
  32. AccessAgriculture Training Video Dans les ruches traditionnelles, les abeilles produisent leurs propres rayons de cire qui sont souvent collés les uns aux autres, ce qui rend difficile la récolte du miel. D’une ruche traditionnelle, on peut extraire le miel seulement deux ou trois fois par an....
  33. Frontiers in Bee Science is a new and interdisciplinary open access journal going beyond the generally accepted research in bee biology. It will embrace novel concepts and present new information on all aspects of the biology of all species of bees worldwide (hence the emphasis on “Frontiers”)....
  34. 20/01/2003 Why do people keep honey bees? The simple answer is that honey bees produce honey and wax and improve the value of crops by pollinating flowers. The wax and honey may be consumed in the home or sold on the open market for cash. Keeping honey bees is the only type of farming that can be done...
  35. 01/01/2003 82 pages, illustrated Why do people keep honey bees? The simple answer is that honey bees produce honey and wax and improve the value of crops by pollinating flowers. The wax and honey may be consumed in the home or sold on the open market for cash. Keeping honey bees is the only type of farming...
  36. 01/01/2020 *Available as Download Only This is a practical tool to help beekeepers, veterinarians and beekeeping advisory services to properly identify main honeybee diseases and to take the most appropriate actions in the apiary to control and/or prevent disease outbreaks. This publication follows the TECA...
  37. 01/01/2021 *Available as Download Only Bees provide a critical link in the maintenance of ecosystems, pollination. They play a major role in maintaining biodiversity, ensuring the survival of many plants, enhancing forest regeneration, providing sustainability and adaptation to climate change and improving...
  38. 01/01/2001 Small-scale beekeeping is an attractive cash crop option for resource-poor farmers in the tropics. It demands little in the way of time, finances or natural resources, and the honey and beeswax harvested can be processed in the home and sold locally. At the same time, pollination by honeybees...
  39. 19/03/1993 Livestock issue Mushrooming income for women Beekeeping Chiapas sheep Crossbreeding Soil classification Improved cultivars
  40. 01/01/1988 L’élevage des abeilles peut se faire pour le plaisir ou pour en tirer des revenus. Dans cette brochure, vous trouverez des informations sur le travail apicole. Dans la plupart des régions du monde, l’abeille à la base de l’apiculture est l’abeille européenne Apis mellifera, bien que dans de...
  41. 20/01/2022 Submitted by the author for publication on ECHOcommunity : 2022 Yusuf Olufade No book on beekeeping can cover everything about such a vast subject, and so a decision was taken to steer the reader towards the practical rather than the theoretical side of the subject. It is hoped that, by doing so,...