20-01-2013 Many of the important agricultural and horticultural crops cultivated worldwide belong to the genus Brassica. The main brassicas grown in East Africa are cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata); kale, also called choumolea (B. oleracea L. var. acephala); Chinese cabbage (B. campestris L....
Rasilimali Muhimu20-01-2007 The purpose of the Compendium of Brassica Diseases is to provide a thorough, authoritative, and practical reference guide for people engaged in diagnosing and managing disease problems in brassica crops destined for vegetable markets, seed, oil, and condiments the world over. Brassica, vegetable...
Edible Portion: Leaves, Vegetable, Flowers A cabbage plant. The leaves are ruffled or crinkled but some are more smooth than normal kales. The leaf shape and colourvaries considerably. The flowers are yellow or white.
Edible Portion: Leaves, Oil, Seeds, Flowers A cabbage family herb. It is an annual plant. It grows 1.5 m tall. It usually has a strong taproot. The stem is erect. The leaveshave blue-green colour. The lower leaves have leaf stalks. The leaf blade is 5-20 cm long. The veins have some bristles. The...