1. This case reveals that individual ownership can sometimes reduce de facto security of tenure and undermine socio-economic status. It provides clear evidence of how such settings often 'revert' to informality. From a policy perspective, it shows that intervention must differentiate 'the poor' in...
  2. Rasilimali Muhimu
    01-01-1998 Mokala haya yamegawanywa katika sehemu mbili. Sehemu ya kwanza ya makala haya nahusu teknolojia mpya, ijulikanayo kaina 'technology protection system' kwa wale wanaoendelezana 'tenninator technology' kwa wale wanaopinga. Teknolojia hii inahimiza wito wa hati miliki katika ukuzaji wa chakula....
  3. 20-01-2010 To answer questions about rights to resources in your community, you need to understand the ways people claim and own resources in your region. Ownership defines who can do what with different resources. Four questions that need to be answered.
  4. SUSPENDED - In many countries, land rights and land governance systems are weak. Rights and claims to land are often undocumented and overlapping. Demand for land is rising, fueling competition, conflict, and increasing barriers to access for some groups. Evidence suggests thatUNDERSTANDING,...