ทรัพยากรหลัก01-10-2019 Seed saving is an important pratice for small-scale farmers. Each crop is unique, and therefore each seed needs to be cleaned in a different way. In this workshop, Khun Wah will share her years of experience cleaning and saving seed of underutilized edible crop varieties that are important to SE...
04-10-2019 The multi-functional and inclusive Intergenerational Self-help Club (ISHC) is a mechanism for community strengthening that is inclusive of sustainable development. The ISHC aims at promoting the well-being of the poor and disadvantaged people, their families and communities. The model is based on...
04-10-2019 The more than 7000 islands that comprise the Philippine archipelago is vastly rich in natural resources and is considered one of only 17 mega-biodiverse regions in the world. Diversity is a recurring theme in these islands as the people speak more than 130 different languages, sublanguages and...
04-10-2019 Understanding the situation and condition of communities as well as individual farmers is key in developing a program that fits their needs. Every farmer has unique passions and desires in life, although all farmers desire development. We will explore how the Mindanao Baptist Rural Life Center...
02-10-2019 In recent years, much attention has been given to the connections between agriculture and nutrition in the development sector as a whole. These connections may seem obvious: we get nourishment from the food we eat, and we eat food produced by agriculture. However, the claim that agriculture...