26-08-2022 Overview of the amazing and versatile banana plant, with mention of banana origins, propagation techniques,management strategies, and the many uses of this plant's diverse parts.
01-01-2011 This PRO-AGRO manual onplantain production illustrates a number of new production techniques. This practical, well-illustrated guide provides a step-by-step description of the main stages of producing plantain from stem fragments (PIF). An ideal resource for farmers and extension workers, it...
ทรัพยากรหลัก01-01-1987 Plantain Bananas covers in detail the characteristics and requirements of the crop and how to grow it in a variety of African Zones and farming systems, with relevance to Caribbean and other tropical areas.
Access Agriculture Training Video Instead of planting suckers directly, you can grow many new healthy plants from each bulb. Learn how to disinfect the bulbs using a natural solution and place them in moist sawdust in a germination box. From one bulb you can get at least 50 healthy suckers that...
Edible Portion: Fruit, Flowers, Vegetable, Stalk, Corm, Root, Bud These are the main group of cultivated bananas. They can be classed into diploid, triploid and tetraploid kinds with variousamounts of the A or B parents. They grow 2-9 m high. They are large non woody herbs with broad long leaves....
01-01-1996 This series examines economically important horticultural crops selected from the major production systems in temperate, sub-tropical and tropical climatic areas. Systems represented range from open field and plantation sites to protected plastic and glass house, growing rooms and laboratories....
ทรัพยากรหลักThis book provides and extensive overview of all aspects of these much-neglected crops, ranging from their history, popularization and production to their nutritional value and potential toxcity.