1. 01/01/1981 This Technical Bulletin shows an inexpensive way to make bellows, the air pump traditionally used by blacksmiths to make fires hotter. The design here will supply enough air to make a fire that is hot enough to melt steel. It can be built entirely from locally available scrap materials, with the...
  2. This book is an introductory, yet comprehensive, metalworking text. The third edition of General Metals is based upon a very careful analysis of introcutory metalworking courses in many schools. This edition also includes a replacement of some of the very popular original projects and some...
  3. Using over 50 case studies from 22 countries which show how unconventional projects have developed women's earning power, this book is a source of ideas for all those helping to develop cash-producing work for women in developing countries.
  4. 01/12/1994 This book examines the contribution of rural manufacturing to central Africa economies, particularly as a service to the agricultural base. Foreign imports and the large-scale centralized manufacture of goods require scarce and expensive foreign exchange, and are therefore an inappropriate means...
  5. Key Resource 01/01/1973 This book teaches the artist and craftsman how to make his own tools: how to design. sharpen. and temper them
  6. Key Resource 01/12/1993 Starting with only an anvil and a few basic tools, almost all the tools needed by a blacksmith can be made from commonly found materials. With clear instructions this book gives step by step instructions on basic blacksmithing.
  7. Key Resource 19/01/1993 This guide is designed to help skilled blacksmiths who have little or no teaching experience to train others in forge work techniques, using easily obtainable equipment and scrap metal to produce tools such as hoes, sickles, hammers and axes. There are 16 lesson plans with advice on teaching...