1. 01/01/1990 Strong, water-resistant casein glue, which produces joints as strong as or stronger than most of the common species of wood, is made from skim milk and common chemicals. Casein glue joints are water-resistant but not waterproof. They will withstand occasional soaking, but if soaked and dried,...
  2. 01/01/1981 A thorough, step-by-step book of basic carpentry projects and techniques that helps readers save money while improving their homes.Projects include everything from installing crown molding to hanging a door.Full-color illustrations show every project step so readers quickly grasp the...
  3. 01/01/1990 Bridges are a part of the transportation system of a region. They are used to span an obstacle like a stream or chasm. Bridges make the system more efficient either by saving travel distance or by enabling vehicles or pedestrians to reach places that were previously inaccessible. There are four...
  4. 01/01/1985 Bamboo is one of the oldest materials people have used to increase their comfort and well-being. In today's world of plastics and steel, besides continuing to make its traditional contributions, bamboo is growing in importance. Outstanding varieties of bamboo from throughout the world are being...
  5. 01/01/1985 Every low-cost housing project seeks to build the most durable house at the lowest cost possible. Emphasis is always given to the maximum use of locally available materials, such as adobe. Common adobe, as it has been known for centuries, is simply a soil mixture with a clay content of at least...
  6. 01/01/1984 Soil is one of the oldest building materials. It has been used for centuries in all parts of the world. Ancient temples, fortifications, and pyramids as well as part of the Great Wall of China were built with soil. The three traditional methods of soil construction are: adobe block or lumps built...
  7. 01/01/1987 Soil is a universal building material and is one of the oldest known to humanity. Simple soils (without additives), or soils improved by adding stabilizing materials such as bitumen or cement, are suitable for homes, schools, roads, and other construction. For construction purposes, soil is...
  8. 01/01/1977 This manual combines the experience of four men who used the CINVA-Ram Block Press and figured out answers, bit by bit, to the inevitable problems of detail as they came up day after day. That was the hard way to learn how to use the press; this handbook is intended to make it easier.
  9. 01/01/1988 Ferrocement is a building material composed of a relatively thin layer of concrete, covering such reinforcing material as steel wire mesh. Because the building techniques are simple enough to be done by unskilled labor, ferrocement is an attractive construction method in areas where labor costs...
  10. 19/01/2067 165 pages, illustrated