1. Lafrik se kontinan an ak pi gwo kantite resous natirèl nan mond lan. Li te gen anpil mineral, metal presye, ak rezèv lwil oliv, moun li yo bèl bagay, gen anpil sistèm dlo ak dlo, ak biyodivèsite sovaj ki gen potansyèl la yo pèmèt yon boom nan sektè touris la. Paradoks nan resous li yo, Lafrik se...
  2. Key Resource 01/01/2012 Dawn Berkelaar, working with Dr. Martin Price and Danny Blank, featured this farming system in EDN 98. At that time, the technique was known as “Farming God’s Way” (FGW). Subsequently, the name was changed to “Foundations for Farming” (FFF); however, it continues to also be promoted as FGW. FGW...
  3. 27/10/2014
  4. 20/01/2011
  5. 06/10/2015
  6. 20/03/2014
  7. 20/10/2014