1. 16/11/2022 Session :Topics addressed in this session include: Cody Cove Farm and Nursery A Tragic Paradox Embracing Diversity, Reseilient Agricultural Communities Reasons for Seeking Out New Crop Species and Varieties Examples of the Power of New Crops Tools for New Crops Presenter :Josh Jamison is a...
  2. 01/01/1990 Intensively cultivated vegetable gardens can supply a great deal of a family's food from very little land. However, to maintain their productivity, these gardens require a lot of fertilizer and some special techniques, which are discussed below. As one crop is finished, another is put in its...
  3. 01/01/1979 Gardening with the Seasons has been adapted from a booklet prepared as part of an innovative and meaningful approach to community development that is underway in Bangladesh. The Sylhet Package Program is funded by International Voluntary Services, Inc. (IVS), a respected US-based private...
  4. 01/01/1984 This research report discusses the historical significance and function of home gardens, offers a definition, and develops a policy-relevant typology based on ecological and socioeconomic determinants. Finally, a cross-cultural comparative review of the literatureis undertaken. Despite increasing...