1. 27/05/2020 Coccidiosis is a disease in chickens which is caused by parasites. If left untreated, it can cause death. This book describes how to treat it, using seeds from a papaya plant. This uses material fromFootsteps 54- a literacy publication from TEAR Fund used with kind permission.This edition was...
  2. 20/09/2007 Bringing agriculture and health workers together Fighting AIDS with traditional foods and organic practices The revival of an ancient crop Seeking sustainable health improvements using orange-fleshed sweet potato Child nutrition in Mexico under conventional and organic agirculture Beating...
  3. Contains information on raising poultry in English and Spanish.
  4. Through sustained agricultural food production using ducks, fish, and crops this experiment sets out to be a means to love the poor. A system was built where ducks, fish, and crops could feed off each other's wastes. The plants and ducks grew well but there was not enough oxygen for the fish.
  5. The aim of this manual is to describe briefly the most commonly diagnosed poultry diseases. It is not intended as an up-to-date review of literature, as this can be found in other books. It is written in a way that can be understood by persons without formal veterinary training, inclluding the...
  6. 01/01/1959 1,103 pages, illustrated, photos
  7. This publication outlines practices applicable to the prevention of disease in poultry, and second, to deal with the more important disease to which poultry are susceptbile.
  8. This manual discusses the development of a Newcastle disease virus for use in the production of vaccine for village flocks.
  9. The purpose of this book is to provide a ready reference of practical information on disease conditions of chickens and turkeys and to help poultry operations produce quality meat and eggs efficiently.
  10. Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research has supported the development of the vaccine against New Castle Disease for over 25 years in SE Asia and some African countries. This video presents the success stories of village poultry farmers who, thanks to vaccine program supported by...