1. All you need to Know about Feeding, Cages and Care. Raising rabbits for meat and fur is a good way to make money but only if you do it on a large scale, and it should be done as supplementary income only. The initial costs in setting-up is small, rabbits breed quickly and frequently, they have...
  2. Topics covered in this resource include: Reasons for keeping Rabbits Disadvantages of keeping Rabbits Breeds of Rabbits Subdivisions of the Breeds Characteristics of the Breeds Selection of Stock Reproduction Pregancy & Signs of pregnancy Kindling & Mother Care
  3. The nutritional requirement of rabbits, as is the case in other mammals, varies according to age and productive performance. To obtain effective feeding efficiency, diets should be formulated to meet the needs of animals of a particular age or stage of production. Most rabbit farms are not large...
  4. 01/01/1990 La principale raison pour ma femme et moi de commencer l'élevage des lapins quand nous vivions en Indonésie était que nous voulions faire « quelque chose » avec des animaux et que notre cour était trop petite pour y élever des animaux de plus grande taille comme des chèvres et des moutons, encore...
  5. 01/01/1983 While living in Indonesia many years ago, my wife and I wanted to become involved in some kind of animal husbandry, but our back-yard was too small to house large animals like goats or sheep, let alone cows. For this reason, we chose to raise rabbits. One of the results of that choice was the...
  6. 01/01/1977 This manual presents an overview of the entire process of raising rabbits--from selecting healthy animals to preparing proper foods to treating disease. A separate section of the manual includes step-by-step procedures for the construction of a hutch unit to house two does and one buck.
  7. Agricultural Videos in Kreyol by Wayne Niles Publisher [United States]: ECHO Media: DVD Summary: Discussesraising rabbits, raising chickens, tire stove, goats, moringa, PVC pump, SALT, using oxen. Description: 1 disc30min
  8. This publication is designed to help ranchers recognize the more common rabbit diseases and to know when professional advice is needed.
  9. 01/01/1977 Nutrient requirements and signs of deficiency and toxicty, where known, are presented and discussed. Requirements for growth, maintenance, gestation, and lactation are presented in tabular form.
  10. This video overviews 5 tropical forages that are suitable to feed to rabbits: Mulberry -Morusspp. Tick Trefoil -Desmodium rensonii Napier/Elephant/Uganda grass -Pennisetum purpureum Red Mombin -Spondias purpurea Mexican Sunflower -Tithonia diversifolia