1. 01.10.2011 Testing Seed Viability Using Simple Germination Tests
  2. 01.04.2012 Vegetable Production Throughout the Rainy Season Three Cheers for Job's Tears: Asia's Other Indigenous Grain Electronic Resource Library
  3. 01.01.2012 Seed fairs: Fostering local seed exchange to support regional biodiversity Strengthening Informal Indigenous Seed Systems in Southeast Asia
  4. 01.07.2012 Vacuum Sealing vs. Refrigeration: Which is the most effective way to store seeds? The Crop Genetic Pump: A Possible Task for NGOs
  5. 01.10.2012 Demystifying Soybean Production and Marketing: Our Experience in Laos Soil Quality Assessment: Why and How
  6. 20.03.2013 A Toolkit of Resilient Agricultural Responses to Climatic Challenges in Tropical Asia How to Facilitate Seed Exchanges During Country Meetings or as a Single-Day Event
  7. 15.05.2013 Sustainable Decentralized Water Treatment for Rural and Developing Communities Using Locally Generated Biochar Adsorbents An Introduction to Bokashi Fertilizers and Soil Amendments
  8. 15.09.2013 The Participatory Approach: Illustrations from Experience New Seed Bank Additions
  9. 15.12.2013 Running a Diesel Engine on Biogas Research Note: Creating an Optimum Potting Mixture for Resource-Constrained Growers
  10. 15.03.2014 Farm-Generated Feed: Fish Feed Production Producing the Biocontrol Fungi Trichoderma and Beauveria