01 جنوری 2001 *Available as download only More than twenty years ago, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations contributed to the growing recognition of the role of pollination in agricultural production, with the publication of “The Pollination of Cultivated Plants in the Tropics”. Since...
01 جنوری 1981 El libro de S. M. Bukasov, "Las Plantas Cultivadas de Mexico, GUatemala y Colombia, publicdo en 1930 en Leningrado, es hasta la fecha el estudio mas completo sobre esse tema. Aunque por su titulo pareciera estar limitado a tres de los paises mas importantes desde el punto de vista agricola en las...
01 جنوری 2021 Herbaceous field crops include several hundred plant species worldly widespread for different end-uses, from food to no-food applications. Among them are included cereals, grain legumes, sugar beet, potato, cotton, tobacco, sunflower, safflower, rape, flax, soybean, alfalfa, clover spp. and other...
This bulletin, based on contributions from various contributors and edited by Dr. D.W. Roubik, introduces the reader to various aspects of natural and insect pollination. It discusses the pollinators themselves, and the ecological and economic importance of pollination, as well as applied...
01 جنوری 1976 This book includes a record of the astonishingly rich and diverse flora of cultived plants of the United States, Canada, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico.
This book deals with useful plants of neotropical origin, i.e., plants which have been cultivated in Southern and Central America as well as their wild relatives. Quite a number of these trees and bushes have "conquerred" the world as early as 400 years ago and are nowadays of utmost importance...
Plant Science: Growth, Development, and Utilization of Cultivated Plants,is an outstanding resource for anyone with an interest in how plants are grown and utilized for maintaining and adding enjoyment to human life. The text starts with the fundamentals of botany, plant physiology, and...