1. This is one of two booklets in the Better Farming Series devoted to te use and processing of cassava and sweet potatoes for animal feeding. It describing various ways of feeding different parts of the plants (roots, peels, and foliage) in several forms (fresh, dried, in meal or silage) to...
  2. How to improve the nutrition of farmers’ milking animals when each family keeps only one dairy cow? During the cold, continental winter, the major fodders available are wheat or maize straw, together with hay and concentrated feeds. As a minimum, it is essential to provide a green fodder...
  3. Access Agriculture Training Video The organic coat protects your seed from birds and insects, and gives the young seedlings extra moisture and nutrients. You can also sow coated seeds much earlier, before the rains start. Available Languages: English,French,Mooré,Tamil
  4. 01 جنوری 1980 This study describes the potential of nutrient recovery from animal wastes in integrated animal feeding systems. The philosophy behind feeding processed animal wastes is based on the fact that coprophagy within the same or other animal species has always existed in nature. The nutritive value of...