1. Vaccinations are an integral part of a flock health management program. They provide cheap insurance against diseases that commonly affect sheep and goats. Probably, the only universally recommended vaccine for sheep and goats is CD-T. CD-T toxoid provides three-way protection against...
  2. 01 جنوری 1983 130 pp : ill. 2 copies Dans le but d'améliorer la production/productivité caprine dans les pays en développement, Winrock International a engagé des resssources institutionnelles importantes pour diffuser des information en production caprine. Ce manuel fait partie d'une série de matériels...
  3. 01 جنوری 2009 Small ruminants, such as sheep and goats, fit well into smallholder farming systems: cheap to buy and maintain, easy to work with and to market, they are widely distributed throughout the world, but policy-makers and administrators tend to overlook their contributions to the economy and rural and...
  4. Thie book has sections on the different breeds giving origins and characteristics and bringing clarity to their complex relationships. Nutrition, reproduction, health and breed improvement are covered. The practical approach to husbandry gives a comprehensive and reliable knowledge of how to rear...
  5. This book is more than a review, and indeed is a source book of very valuable information on individual characteristics of a bewildering variety of breeds and types of goat, on the comparative performance of introduced breeds, and also on pertinent aspects of their management. In addition,...