1. 20 جنوری 2015 This report features the work of five distinguished specialists in agricultural economics. Shenggen Fan from the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) begins with an examination of trends in global food security. Fan’s chapter is followed by analysis by Piñeiro and Myers of the...
  2. 12 اکتوبر 2018 There is currently a movement among scientists, nutritionists, development workers, and agriculturalists to recognize, revalorize, and promote the treasures of Guatemalan food culture for the health and well-being of the most vulnerable. In March 2018, I had the privilege to attend events held to...
  3. For over 30 years the Caribbean Agricultural Research and Development Institute (CARDI) has been steadfast in providing sterling contributions to the growth and development of the agricultural sector of Member Countries of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM). The Heads of Governments of CARICOM in...
  4. 20 جولائی 2008 Protected agriculture technology includes more traditional style greenhouses as well as high tunnel houses and is the central component in the establishment of a more unified strategy for continued growth in the country’s agriculture sector. The sustainability of such development will essentially...
  5. The Caribbean Extension Provider's Network - CAEPNet is an organisation comprising of Extension service providers from the following countries in the region;Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Belize, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, St. Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia
  6. RELASER is the Latin American Rural Extension Services Network, created in October 2010, in Santiago de Chile.On that occasion, a group of public and private institutions,under the international leadership ofGFRAS(Global Forum for Global Advisory Services), decided to create a space for debate...
  7. Las Cañadas es un centro de agroecología y permacultura, en donde se encuentra una de las últimas islas de bosque de niebla de la zona central de Veracruz, México. Utilizamos a lapermacultura como herramienta de diseño con la finalidad de aprender, implementar y compartir una forma sostenible de...
  8. Abstract, UNAM , 2016 In Mexico, obesity and malnutrition have become a severe public health problem. As a result, a return to nutritional surplus crops, such as amaranth, has emerged as an alternative to improve the population’s diet and mitigate malnutrition-related problems in Mexico....
  9. This value chain analysis was completed by Nadezda Amaya as part of the international Programme “Linking agrobiodiversity value chains, climate adaptation and nutrition: Empowering the poor to manage risk” supported by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), the European Union...
  10. EPIC (Ecumenical Project for International Cooperation) works internationally and within the United State promoting local-led projects in Women & Youth, Regenerative Organic Agriculture, Human Rights, Indigenous Culture, Peace, Environmental Protection and Health & Nutrition EPICis...