1. Abstract, 2012, Journal of Insect Science Intercropping is one of the important cultural practices in pest management and is based on the principle of reducing insect pests by increasing the diversity of an ecosystem. On—farm experiments were conducted in villages of semi—arid tropical (SAT)...
  2. 19 اکتوبر 1993 ECHO's name symbolizes ideas, information and seeds "echoing" back and forth between ourselves and our overseas network. We owe much of our effectiveness to you. There are many examples in this issue. The most difficult editing decision is always which material to delay. We have enough material...
  3. Access Agriculture Training Video Grasshoppers and snails can be a serious problem for any vegetable seedbed as they chew the tender stems of seedlings. Caterpillars can also cause damage, but more so on tomato and cabbage than on chilli.To protect their young crops many farmers use pesticides....
  4. Access Agriculture Training Video Learn how to spot banana weevils, how to keep them out of new banana fields and how to trap them. Available languages Bambara Bangla Chichewa / Nyanja English Fon French Hindi Kikuyu Kinyarwanda / Kirundi Kiswahili Luganda Spanish Tamil Tumbuka Urdu
  5. This key will to help you identify different insect orders. We are using many examples of insects found in Michigan, but the key will work anywhere. How the Key Works This is a dichotomous key, which means that at each step, you will have two choices. Juststart the keyand answer the simple...
  6. Insects and other pests can be a serious constraint to food production, especially where resources for pest management are scarce. For example, inEDN 133, we responded to a question about problems with tomato leaf miner (Tuta absoluta) in Nigeria. Heavy infestations of this pest alone can reduce...
  7. 01 جولائی 2004 Pigeon pea plants are shaken gently so that the pod borer larvae fall off. As the larvae fall, they are collected on a sheet that is pulled along the ground between the rows of plants. A few hens follow and eat the protein-rich larvae.
  8. 20 اکتوبر 2001 Varroa mites (two strains of Varroa destructor), which parasitize the Western honey bee (Apis mellifera) over much of the world, can seriously weaken and even kill honey bee colonies. Some possibilities for control are discussed.
  9. 20 جون 2000 Mosquito nets are effective in protecting people sleeping under them as long as the nets have no holes and people are not sleeping up against them. However, a mosquito will continue searching until it finds a way in or finds part of the body that is against the net where it can bite through....
  10. 20 مارچ 2000 A method to protect gardens from leaf cutter ants (Atta sp.) using sweet potatoes.