01 جنوری 1984 A Pocket Directory of Trees and Seeds in Kenya was compiled to answer two basic tree-planting questions: which trees are the best to plant in my particular climate type? And where do I get the seeds or their seedlings? Ninety tree species are described, along with their best climate types. For...
01 جنوری 1985 The present booklet comprises the base document prepared for a planning workship to discuss international cooperation in multipurpose tree germplasm.
01 جنوری 2003 To assist smallholders and non-government organizations in Indonesia build the technical capacity required to properly collect and manage tree seed ICRAF and Winrock International, in collaboration with Indonesia Forest Seed Project developed this manual. 54 pages, illustrations, pictures
01 جنوری 1994 This paper endeavors to draw together the combined experience of nursery managers and specialists worldwide, specifically focusing on the adaptation of currently available root trainer production systems to the unique conditions existing in tropical developing countries. (2 Copies)
01 جنوری 1995 Sustainable forest management is one of the most important contributions that the forestry sector can make to development. Following the UNCED Conference in Rio de Janeiro, action in the forestry field at internationl, regional and national levels has focused to a large extent on the formulation...
01 جنوری 1993 The basic and technical knowledge for all tree seed-related activities are compiled in this handbook. General considerations provide the necessary background to ensure the genetical quality both in seed production and in seed collection. It will be a useful guide for foresters, extension...
01 جنوری 1989 Climbing trees to collect seed must be safe and still allow the seed collector to work efficiently in all parts of the crown. This pamphlet is not a manual in tree climbing techniques. It is a reference and reminder for those who have attended a tree climbingcourse.
01 جنوری 1986 This publication reports on projects that are being considered in the Asia/Pacific area. The general conclusion in the publication is that there is a need for better information-exchange and coordination between the projects to minimise both the occurrence of overlapping activities and gaps in...
With the alarming rate of deforestation in Kenya and worldwide, it is vital to plant and grow trees. This booklet provides information on seeds, establishing a tree nursery, managing a nursery, planting and caring for trees. 24 pages, illustrations
Key Resource01 جنوری 2002 Tropical Tree Seed Manual is a one-volume reference manual for students, technicians, and scientists that provides comprehensive, internationally compiled data about tropical trees. The emphasis is on species of the Americas; however, a number of tropical tree species from other countries are...