Carbon Farming
Improved annual cropping systems include the following practices: crop rotations, green manures, and cover crops; mulching, reduced bare fallows, and reduced tillage; the System of Rice Intensification (Fig. 2) and improved rice paddy management; nutrient management; and organic production. These can sequester low but significant amounts of carbon, typically 2 tons per hectare per year or less (Seeberg-Elverfeldt and Tapio-Bistrom 2012). Organic systems range from 0.7-2.3 t/ha/yr (Seebert-Elverfeldt and Tapio-Bistrom 2012; Hepperly et al. 2009). Conservation agriculture is estimated to sequester 0.1-1 t/ha/yr (Lal 2014). Improved annual cropping systems have many advantages: they allow us to keep the crops we know and love; they don’t require big changes in production, harvesting, or processing machinery; and they can be implemented at a wide scale on the world’s vast annual croplands.
Carbon Farming: Building Soils and Stabilizing the Climate
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