Tài nguyên được gắn thẻ với: East Africa
940 đề mục được tìm thấy (Hiển thị 1 - 10) Tiếp theo
- Josphat N. Gichure* Catherine N. Kunyanga Pius M. Mathi Jasper K. Imungi Department of Food Science, Nutrition and Technology, University of Nairobi, P.O. Box 29053-00625 Kangemi The meat value chain in pastoral regions is characterized by large post-slaughter losses due to lack of appropriate...
- 20-02-2024 Greetings! .. You are cordially invited to join for our First ECHO East Africa and Tearfund Joint Symposium on " Best Practices in Sustainable Agriculture and Appropriate Technology" from the 20th through 22nd February, 2024in Juba, South Sudan. We hope that you will gather with us in this...
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