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At the center of our work is ECHO Development Notes (EDN), which we send quarterly to thousands of people in over 160 countries in three languages (English, French, and Spanish). In EDN we share the most helpful, practical information that we come across about growing food under difficult circumstances. 

Within each issue you'll find featured techniques, practices, information and experience to help guide your work in tropical and subtropical agricultural development. Also in EDN are "Echoes from Our Network," "From ECHO's Seed Bank," and more. Issues #1-51 were compiled in the 1990s into the Amaranth to Zai Holes book, which  or you may read it online here. Also, Agricultural Options for Small Scale Farmers, expanded on the foundation from Amaranth to Zai Holes by covering EDN 52 through 100, with articles from outside contributors. Agricultural Options for Small Scale Farmers is available for purchase from the ECHO Bookstore and Amazon.

If you would like to browse EDNs via our Index, please click here.

177 Các Số trong Ấn phẩm này (Hiển thị vấn đề 148 - 139) |

EDN Issue #146 - 27-01-2020

Low Oxygen Methods for Insect Control in Seeds

ECHO International Agriculture Conference 2019: Topic Summaries

Echoes from our Network: Roger Gietzen on the topic of syntropic farming

Books, Web Sites and Other Resources: Vetiver Latrine

EDN Issue #145 - 18-10-2019

Pest Prevention: The Foundation of Integrated Pest Management

Echoes from our Network: Nutrition Education in the Context of Community Agriculture Programs

From ECHO's Seed Bank: New Lima Bean Cultivars Available

Books, Web Sites, and Other Resources: Syntropic Farming Guidebook by Roger Gietzen

EDN Issue #144 - 24-07-2019

Introducing 100-Fold Gardens: Wicking Beds for High-Density Planting of Vegetables Where Water is Scarce

Echoes from our Netwok: Literacy and Agriculture and Termite Harvesting in Ghana

From ECHO's Seed Bank: Earthbag Houses for Storing Seeds

Books, Web Sites, and Other Resources: Restoring the Soil, Second Edition Book Release

EDN Issue #143 - 26-04-2019

Learning about and from local seed systems

Germination to Detoxify Jack Bean

Techniques to Boost Plants’ Stress Tolerance and Extend Fruit Marketability

From ECHO's Seed Bank: Fever Tree

Books, Web Sites and Other Resources: Planetary Health Diet Proposal

EDN Issue #142 - 29-01-2019

Understanding Agriculture-Nutrition Linkages

EIAC 2018 Topic Summaries

Echoes from our Network: Intercropping Native Shrubs

From ECHO's Seed Bank: Rollinia

Books, Web Sites and Other Resources: Feed the Future Technical Briefs

EDN Issue #141 - 17-10-2018

Shea Nut: The Butter Tree

For How Long Should Chaya Leaves be Boiled?  

Green Leafy Vegetables: Leaf Powder for Improved Nutrition 

From ECHO's Seed Bank:  Jewels of Opar, An edible ornamental

SPRING Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture Training Resource Package

EDN Issue #140 - 18-07-2018

Farmer Field School Trials of 2:4:2 Maize/Legume Intercropping

Laurel Wilt Disease: "Save the Guac!"

Echoes from our Network: Metal silos for grain storage

From ECHO's Seed Bank: Culantro

Let’s Restore Our Land and Farming for Change curriculum

EDN Issue #139 - 27-04-2018

Anthropology as a tool for facilitating agricultural development

Invasion of the Fall Armyworm

Echoes from our Network: Millepede Damage

From ECHO's Seed Bank:  Passionfruit

Books, Web Sites and Other Resources: Permaculture for Refugees in Camps