01-01-1980 This book deals with dry systems for on site composting or disposal of excreta and organic residues. It has been prepared to meet increasing demand for practical information on how to design, build and operate compost latrines and improved pit latrines. The emphasis is on simple measures that can...
Tài Nguyên Chính01-01-2002 A composting toilet is any system that converts human waste into compost through the natural breakdown of organic matter. The photo above shows a composting toilet from the late 1800’s. Composting toilets provide a sanitary method to recycle human waste while conserving water and protecting the...
The modern-day sewer system has failed. In the United States, our clean water infrastructure was rated a D from the American Society of Civil Engineers (2013). Sewage overflows cause beach closures, spread illnesses, and contaminate the environment. And this is happening in places that actually...
01-01-1988 Our primary aim is to identify the important construction, installation, and maintenance considerations relative to compost toilets. Our goal is to put the reader in a better position to manage the decisions and subsequent tasks of compost toilet use. 51 pages, illustrated
01-01-2005 This manual has been compiled with the objective of presenting the basics required to undertake wastewater recycling. It is hoped that all will use it, whether they are householders, architects, engineers or professionals interested in spreading the word on ecological sanitation. 48 pages,...
01-01-2007 Most people in rural Africa do not have access to safe toilets, and their health and well-being suffers as a consequence. There is an urgent need for the construction of simple, low-cost, affordable toilets that are easy to build and maintain. Notebook with 100 pages, photos
This site is about vermicomposting flush toilets – on-site processing of domestic sewage with worms. These aren’t the first vermicomposting sewage systems by any means, but they’re the first (to our knowledge) to be based on open source principles with non-proprietary technology and low cost...
01-10-2019 An exploration of the need for a shift in the current paradigm of human "waste" and the pleasingly simple science that offers a solution; we will look at the different sanitation situations around the world, how and why they may be problematic, discuss the most appropriate ecological solutions on...
20-07-2010 We often come across interesting material related to articles in EDN that could not fit into the available space in the issue. We share the most relevant of those here.
20-07-2010 One high quality and universally available source of all the major macronutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) is human urine. Using human urine as fertilizer is not unprecedented, but for various reasons in most countries it is not commonly considered as an option, especially for growing...