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867 đề mục được tìm thấy (Hiển thị 1 - 10)
  2. 17-10-2023  
  3. 18-10-2023  
  4. 20-10-2023  
  5. 20-10-2023 Biochar has been around for a long time, initially identified as “terra preta”, the black soils of the Amazon basin, made from wood charcoal, organic matter, and the growth of microorganisms in the soil. It was identified again in the 1950s but has been slow to be recognized for its benefits in...  
  6. 18-10-2023 Dr. Kanjana Sommit has more than 12 years of research experience on alternative tourism such as voluntourism, gastronomy, community-based, and old-town conservation tourism. Tourism marketing and social entrepreneurship are also the fields she experiences. As a social science academic, she...  
  7. The 2020 International Agriculture Conference continued the tradition of featuringleading voices in various aspects of agricultural development—practitioners, scientists, and community leaders. Content was presented in plenary and concurrent breakout sessions, with ample opportunities to network...  
  8. The 2021International Agriculture Conference continued the tradition of featuringleading voices in various aspects of agricultural development—practitioners, scientists, and community leaders. Content was presented in plenary and concurrent breakout sessions, with ample opportunities to network...  
  9. 17-10-2023  
  10. Presentation slides and videos grouped by year.