1993-01-12 This book reports the results of the trials and other ad hoc observations carried out that have shown the vetiver hedgerows have tremendous potential for many areas of human activities. It contains photos to illustrate establlshing, vetiver, vetiver hedgerows, and uses of vetiver.
1993-01-12 This set of information has been put together for those of you wanting more detailed information of vetiver technology, and access to some of the papers submitted for the 1993 vetiver awards. Mos of the papers are backed by a lot of photographs.
The research reported here aimed to collect basic information on the characteristics of erosion processes in a defined area of the Andean zone of Colombia.
This publication is intended to summarize the diffuse literature available on use of terraces in steepland farming systems and present information on the research conducted in southern Honduras on this subject.
Soils are the main terrestrial reservoir of organic carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus. Thus, any type of disturbance, e.g. landuse changes, that alters soil integrity is a threat to planetaryscale biogeochemical cycles that sustain the life-support systems of the Earth. Soil erosion impacts the...
2019-01-20 Despite almost a century of research and extension efforts, soil erosion by water, wind and tillage continues to be the greatest threat to soil health and soil ecosystem services in many regions of the world. Our understanding of the physical processes of erosion and the controls on those...
Abstract, Land Degradation and Development 2018 Soils are vital for supporting food security and other ecosystem services. Climate change can affect soil functions both directly and indirectly. Direct effects include temperature, precipitation, and moisture regime changes. Indirect effects...
Abstract, Environmental Research Letters, 2018 Implementation of socially acceptable and environmentally desirable solutions to soil erosion challenges is often limited by (1) fundamental gaps between the evidence bases of different disciplines and (2) an implementation gap between science-based...
Abstract, Science Advances, 2018 Understanding of the processes governing soil organic carbon turnover is confounded by the fact that C feedbacks driven by soil erosion have not yet been fully explored at large scale. However, in a changing climate, variation in rainfall erosivity (and hence soil...
FAO launchedSoil erosion: the greatest challenge for sustainable soil management, at theGlobal Symposium on Soil Erosion symposium. The 100-page book, with Dan Pennock, professor at Canada's University of Saskatchewan as its lead author, takes stock of the current state of knowledge regarding...