Abstract, Scientific Reports, 2019 Farming plot construction engineering in hilly areas plays an important role in the mechanization, large-scale production and industrialization of agriculture. The method is undertaken to improve water and soil conservation, enhance soil fertility and extend...
Abstract, Soil Systems, 2019 Land degradation, particularly soil erosion, is currently a major challenge for Nepal. With a high rate of population growth, subsistence-based rural economy, and increasingly intense rainfall events in the monsoon season, Nepal is prone to several forms of land...
1995-01-01 Sound crop and soil management such as the use of fertilizers and lime, pest and disease control, optimum planting densities and patterns, selection of appropriate crop varieties among others are fundamental to diminish soil erosion and achieve greate ryields. From the study it may be concluded...
The focus of this pack is agroforestry-the planting of trees and other woody plants on farms to help improve soil fertility and protect it against erosion, while simultaneously helping to meet the needs of farming families.
2012-04-10 Dirt, soil, call it what you want―it's everywhere we go. It is the root of our existence, supporting our feet, our farms, our cities. This fascinating yet disquieting book finds, however, that we are running out of dirt, and it's no laughing matter. An engaging natural and cultural history of...
1980-01-01 Erosion and pollution problems exist in every country, and each country has its own approach to managing and conserving soil and water. Soil and waqter conservation is everybody's business.
2013-01-01 The atlas compiles existing information on different soil types in easily understandable maps that cover the entire African continent. While it is intended primarily for the educational sectors and policy makers, the atlas aims to bridge the gap between soil science and society at large.
2002-01-01 This book includes question and answers on how to improve and maintain tropical soil fertility. It also includes activity guides and a resource listing.
The mission of The Vetiver Network International (TVNI) is to promote the worldwide use of the Vetiver System (VS) for a sustainable environment particularly in relation to land and water. Enhanced by photo galleries, this site offers a wealth of information with regard to vetiver applications...