1. 2016-11-01 In Ethiopia, more attention is being given to crossbreeding to answer the questions of food security in the near future as the selection in local cattle is very slow to bring progress. In contrast, improving the genetic potential of local cattle is not given equivalent emphasis though it is...
  2. 2016-11-01 Cover crops play a key role in sustainable agriculture by providing sustainable sources of nutrients as well as protective soil cover to minimize erosion and reduce moisture stresses. Examples of successful cover cropping systems in East Africa will be illustrated as well as constraints and...
  3. 2025-02-04 During the Ngwara field day,Mr. Emmanuel Kasembe,Iles de Paix Tanzania Technical Advisor, andBonny,ECHO East Africa Technical Advisor, facilitated an open discussion on Ngwara-related topics. The discussion covered various aspects, including planting techniques, uses, markets, and more. Visitors...
  4. 2024-12-16 Hafirs are shallow, excavated basins that collect and store rainwater for various uses, such as irrigation, livestock watering, and domestic needs.Hafirs effectively capture runoff during the rainy season for use in the dry season. Hafirs are particularly useful in drylands, where rainfall is...
  5. Elina Andersson, Ellinor Isgren, Gambling in the garden: Pesticide use and risk exposure in Ugandan smallholder farming, Journal of Rural Studies, Volume 82, 2021, Pages 76-86, ISSN 0743-0167, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jrurstud.2021.01.013....
  6. 2024-11-12 This ECHO Best Practice Note distills insights from farmers and other specialists who collaborated in promoting livestock as a means to improve rural livelihoods.The author’s experience affirms that livestock are indeed a beneficial part of most agricultural systems, contrary to some modern...
  7. 2024-01-25 ECHO trains energetic, highly motivated youth chance to gain hands-on experience in sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, and environmental conservation; through a three-month to one-year internship program. Allowing them to dive deep and understand the complexities facing local farmers on...
  8. 2025-07-16 We are delighted to invite you to present and partcipate at the upcoming Innovation Exchange Conference, hosted in collaboration with Waterlines and ECHO East Africa. This event will occur from 16th to 18th July 2025 at the Uhuru Hostel & Conference Centre in Moshi, Tanzania. The purpose of...
  9. 2025-02-25 We are soliciting potential presenters and attendees for the 8th ECHO East Africa Biennial Symposium in collaboration with Hope International Burundi, to be held in Bujumbura from the 25th - 27th February, 2025, a three day sharing event to be held at the King's Conference Center (KCC)in...
  10. ASHC defines integrated soil fertility management or ISFM as : "A set of soil fertility management practices that necessarily include the use of fertilizer, organic inputs and improved germplasm combined with the knowledge on how to adapt these practices to local conditions, aiming at optimizing...