1. 2017-02-09 Parthenium hysterophorus, also known as carrot top, white top weed, and fever few is a fairly new invasive weed but has quickly become one of the worst weeds to tropical areas(CABI 2015). In Ethiopia it is known as Farmasissa which means “sign your land away” (IAPPS 2016). Originally from Central...
  2. Material is presented in English and Kiswahili Parthenium hysterophorus is a noxious weed invading East Africa. It reduces crop growth and can harm the health of both humans and animals. ECHO is raising awareness of it through an educational video, presentations, and community involvement.
  3. 2011-07-20 Rudy Poglitsh, Former intern working in Swaziland, sent in a question about health of Avocado trees. The problem seemed to be low pH. "We have about 18 avocado trees in the ground. Almost all of them are over five feet tall. The soil is very poor, and the leaves are a pale green/yellow. We are...
  4. ECHO East Africa 4th Biennial Symposium on Sustainable Agriculture Best Practices
  5. 2017-02-15 Except: Parthenium hysterophorus, also known as carrot top, white top weed, and fever few is a fairly new invasive weed but has quickly become one of the worst weeds to tropical areas(CABI 2015). In Ethiopia it is known as Farmasissa which means “sign your land away” (IAPPS 2016). Originally from...
  6. 2017-02-08 Neil Rowe Miller serves with Mennonite Central Committee as a technical advisor to conservation agriculture projects funded by the Canadian Food Grains Bank in eastern Africa. His career spans 33 years working with small-scale farmers in the developing world as well as consultingfor large-scale...
  7. 2017-02-08 Conflicts abound with conservation and food security issues. Solutions and best practices will be shared. Presenter :Dr. James Kahurananga was the past director of the Africa Wildlife Foundation, and has 50 years experience in the field of conservation of biodiversity within Tanzania, Kenya,...
  8. 2017-02-07 The desire to transform smallholder farming to feed the increasing hungry people, burgeoning population, and adaptation and mitigation to climate change is high. There is an obvious realization that it is smallholder farming and rain-fed for that matter that holds the promise to feed the hungry...
  9. 2017-02-09 Donkey welfare in Tanzania is not given much consideration given all that animals offer to the economy of its people. Currently a more supportive environment for the promotion of animal welfare and rights has been established legislation, especially the Animal Welfare Act (2008). However,...
  10. 2017-02-09 This session will demonstrate Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) as a low-cost, sustainable land-restoration technique used to combat poverty and hunger amongst poor subsistence farmers in developing countries by increasing food, fodder and livelihood production, while enhancing...