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Agronomy looks at agriculture from an integrated, holistic perspective. Agronomists are specialists in crop and soil science, as well as ecology. Some things they look at are:

  1. The properties of the soil;
  2. How the soil interacts with the growing crop;
  3. What nutrients (fertilizers) the crop needs;
  4. When and how to apply these nutrients;
  5. The ways that crops grow and develop;
  6. How climate and other environmental factors affect the crop at all stages;
  7. How best to control weeds, insects, fungi, and other crop pests; and,
  8. How to grow crops effectively and profitably while conserving and protecting the environment.

--- American Society of Agronomy


  1. 俗话说“你不知道你有一个问题你就不可能解决问题”,这是诊断植物营养缺乏基础科学的支撑。多年来,很多农民和科学家一起工作,通过多种线索来判断农作物的营养缺乏。这些线索和症状十分有用,特别是在土壤和植物组织试验做不了或行不通时。
  2. Agronomy looks at agriculture from an integrated, holistic perspective. Agronomists are specialists in crop and soil science, as well as ecology. Some things they look at are: Theproperties of the soil; How thesoil interactswith the growing crop; Whatnutrients (fertilizers) the crop needs; When...
  3. TropicalSoils. Lush growth on top, but not fertile soil…Tropicalsoils are found under very hot conditions, and high yearly rainfall. They are the worlds oldest..
  4. Abstract, 2014, New Phytologist Trust Intercropping is a farming practice involving two or more crop species, or genotypes, growing together and coexisting for a time. On the fringes of modern intensive agriculture, intercropping is important in many subsistence or low‐input/resource‐limited...
  5. Abstract, 2016,Soil Use and Management Autumn maize intercropped with tropical forages can raise the amount of crop residues and improve nutrient cycling, favoring subsequent soybean crop. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of forms of implementation of intercropping of...
  6. A comprehensive collection of crop nutrient deficiency photos. A range of nutrient deficiency examples are provided for 14 prominent crops. Text and diagrammatic descriptions are also provided. alfalfa, banana, barley, canola, citrus, cotton, maize, oil palm, potato, rice, sorghum, soybean,...
  7. A comprehensive collection of crop nutrient deficiency photos. A range of nutrient deficiency examples are provided for 14 prominent crops. Text and diagrammatic descriptions are also provided. alfalfa, banana, barley, canola, citrus, cotton, maize, oil palm, potato, rice, sorghum, soybean,...
  8. This collection provides a comprehensive assortment of hundreds of classic cases of crop nutrient deficiency documented from research plots and farm fields located around the world. IPNI would like to thank our contributors; many are agricultural researchers, extension staff, crop scouts, and...
  9. Agronomy is the applied science of crop and plant production for food, fibre and energy. It is intrinsically multi-disciplinary – agronomists need to have knowledge of biology, chemistry, ecology, soil and earth sciences, pathology, weed science and genetics. In addition to understanding...