Edible Portion: Seeds, Leaves, Pods, Vegetable, Nuts
An annual plant. It can either form a bunchy bush or be a trailing plant. Often the creeping stems are near ground level. It often appears as if bunched leaves arise from branched stems near ground level. It has a well developed taproot. The leaves have 3 leaflets. The leaf stalk is erect and thickened near the base. The end leaflet is slightly larger than the side leaflets. Leaflets are about 6 cm long by 3 cm across. The flowers are yellowish-white. They occur in pairs. The fruit are pods which are round and with one seed. Some kinds have 3 seeds. This pod develops under the ground on a long stalk. The flower/fruit stalk elongates after being fertilised and pushes into the soil. The seeds are hard and are of many colours. Pods can be 3.7 cm long.