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Plant Fact Sheets about Nuts, Seeds, Herbs, and Other Foods from Food Plants International.

  1. Some 3 billion people in the world live outside the cash economy in the world’s poorest nations. Food security and regular supply are their daily concerns. Chronic malnutrition is a leading cause of death and disease for them. Young children are amongst the most affected. One child every 5-10...
  2. Edible Portion: Nuts, Leaves, Fruit pulp, Flavouring, Seeds, Oil A spreading evergreen tree up to 7-14 m tall. It has spreading branches. The canopy can spread 12 m. The roots grow deeply and spread widely. The bark is rough. The trunk is 15-20 cm across. The leaves are alternate. The leaves are...
  3. 关键资源 Edible Portion: Flowers A herb. It has a dense mat of rhizomes 3-5 mm across. There is a deep woody taproot. The stems can be erect or lie over.They are 5-35 cm long and 2-3 mm across. They can be hollow. The leaves have 4 leaflets. They are 4 cm long by 2 cm wide.The flowers are in the axils of...
  4. Nuts/seeds/herbs Edible parts -Seeds, Leaves, Flavouring, Spice, Pods, Vegetable, Oil, Caution A spreading bushy plant up to about 40 cm high. Leaves are made up of 2 pairs of leaflets arranged opposite each other.Flowers are produced in the axils of leaves. Two main kinds occur. They are often...
  5. Edible Portion: Juice - Flowers, Sap, Seeds, Cabbage, Sago, Starch, Palm Heart A large palm. It grows to 18 m high. It forms one trunk 30 cm across and covered with old leaf bases and black fibres. It hasspines 7.5 cm long. It has long leaves which reach upwards. They have leaflets along the...
  6. Edible Portion:Leaves - Flavouring A large annual herb. The stems are upright and often red. It can grow 1.6 m tall. The leaves are finely divided with leafletsalong the stalk and teeth along the edge. The flowers are small and yellow and are in
  7. Edible Portion: Leaves, Seeds A shrub. It grows 1.5 m high and spreads 1.5 m wide. There is a dense mass of stems. The leaves are narrow and have blunt tips. They have a mealy white appearance. The flowers are small and yellow. The fruit are papery and have 4 wings. They arecrowded into short...
  8. Edible Portion: Seeds, Cereal A grass. There are several named cultivated varieties. It grows each year from seeds. It grows 45-90 cm tall. The leaves are20 cm long by 3-7 mm wide. The flower panicle is 25 cm long. The spikelets are 1-3 cm long. The grain is 6 mm long.
  9. Edible Portion: Seeds, Spice An evergreen tree. It grows to 10 m high and spreads to 3 m across. The stem is erect and it is intricately branched giving thetree a crown which is spreading and graceful. The leaf stalks are long. The leaves are alternate and simple. They are broadand heart shaped....
  10. Edible Portion: Shoots, Seeds, Cereal A densely tufted bamboo. The culm or stem is 30 m tall. It is 1`5-18 cm across. The wall is very thick. The internodes are 20-40cm long. The stem is bright green. The nodes are slightly swollen. The lower nodes can have aerial roots. There are branchesfrom...
  11. Shoots Edible parts - shoots A bamboo. The stems are 6-12 m long. They are 4-6 cm across. They droop slightly at the top. The internodes are 30-40 cmlong. There are several branches that are in clusters.
  12. Edible Portion:Flowers A bamboo. It grows 5-10 m tall. The stems are 5-8 cm across. The tips hang down. The internodes are 15-30 cm long.Branches are higher up the stem.
  13. Edible Portion: Shoots A bamboo.
  14. Edible Portion: Shoots A bamboo. The stems can be 21 m tall. They can be 10 cm across. They are green when young and then mature to black. Theleaves are long and hang down. They can be 25 cm long.
  15. Edible Portion: Shoots A hollow tufted bamboo. It forms clumps. It is 2-6 m tall. It has slender stalks. The stalks are 1-2.5 cm across. They arch overat the tips. The internodes are 30-50 cm long. The culm sheath is 12-15 cm long by 6-8 cm wide. It is light green when youngand turns...
  16. Edible Portion: Shoots A bamboo. It grows 10-15 m tall. The stems are 8 cm across. They form loose clumps. The stems are smooth and green with awhite ring below the nodes. The nodes are slightly thickened and often hairy. The internodes are 25-45 cm long and the wallsare thick. The sheaths are...
  17. Edible Portion: Shoots A bamboo. It grows 8-10 m tall. The stems are 3-5 cm across. The tips are slightly drooping. The internodes are 40-70 cmlong. They are white and powdery when young. The leaf blades are 9-17 cm long
  18. Edible Portion:Shoots, Rhizomes, Root A thick walled tufted bamboo. It grows to about 20 m tall. It is almost un-branched near the base but branches higher up. Thenodes are slightly thickened. The internodes are 40-65 cm long and 5-10 cm wide. They have a white ring around the node.They are...
  19. Edible Portion: Shoots A densely tufted bamboo. The culm or stem is erect but nodding at the tip. They grow 6-10 m tall. The stems are 3-5 cm acrossat the base. The young stems are covered with white wax. The internodes are 30-36 cm long. The lowest 1 or 2 nodes have aring of grey silky hairs...
  20. Edible Portion: Shoots An erect clump forming spineless bamboo. It is a large bamboo with strong stalks used for buildings. The stalks can be 20 m talland 5-10 cm across at the base. They are often not straight. The stalks can be green and glossy or yellow or yellow with greenstripes. It very...
  21. Edible Portion: Leaves, Herb, Spice, Flowers, Vegetable An annual herb. It is a sprawling plant. It can be 45-75 cm high and spread 45 cm wide. The stout stems and leaves arecovered with stiff hairs. The lower leaves are on leaf stalks that have winged extensions near their base. The upper leaves...
  22. Edible Portion: Seeds, Leaves, Fruit, Sap A large evergreen tree. It grows to 25-30 m high. It has a dense wide crown of leaves. It has narrow buttresses. The bark isgrey. The leaves are simple and dark green. They are 17 cm long by 6 cm wide. There can be teeth along the edge and oftenthe edge...
  23. Edible portion: Flowers, Leaves A herb. It is an annual plant. It grows 30 cm high and spreads 30 cm wide. In poor and dry areas it is smaller. The leaves areoblong and slightly downy. They do not have leaf stalks. The flowers are yellow or orange and 25 mm across. They grow singlyat the ends of...
  24. Edible Portion: Flowers, Leaves, Herb, Spice An bushy annual herb. It grows 30-70 cm high and 30-45 cm wide. The leaves are spoon shaped or sword shaped. The flowerheads are daisy like. They can be 10 cm across. Flowers are yellow or orange. There are cultivated varieties.
  25. Edible Portion:Seeds, Leaves, Seeds - Oil, Flowers, Spice, Vegetable An erect annual herb. It grows to 60-150 cm high. It has any branches. It has spines but the number vary. The stems are whiteand stiff and round with fine grooves along their length. The kinds with more spiny leaves are better...
  26. Edible Portion: Nuts, Flavouring, Leaves - Tea, Seeds - Oil A large tree up to 55 m high. Trees lose their leaves during the year. Branches extend upwards giving the tree an open,rounded crown and the tree can be 8 m wide. The stem is stout and erect. The bark is grey and furrowed with an...
  27. Edible Portion: Seeds, Cabbage, Starch, Sago, Palm heart, Sap A small slender palm and the only representative of this genus in the Philippines which sends up shoots from the base of thetrunk, forming clumps. It forms a cluster of closely spaced stems. It can be 5 m high. The trunks are 5-15 cm...
  28. Edible Portion: Seeds - Oil A tree. The trunk is bottle shaped. It has thick cone shaped prickles. The young trees have a green trunk. It loses its leavesduring the year. The leaves are made up of 5-7 long leaflets. The flowers are creamy white and pink towards the tip of thepetals. There are 5...
  29. Edible Portion: Bark, Spice, Leaves A large tree. It grows 10-20 m high. It keeps its leaves during the year. The trunk can be 30-60 cm across. The bark is darkbrown. The young branches can be four sided. The leaves are usually opposite. The leaf blade is oval and 11-16 cm long by4.5-5.5 cm wide....
  30. Edible Portion: Seeds, Leaves, Herb, Spice, Leaves - tea An evergreen shrub. It grows to 3-5 m high and spreads to 3 m across. The stem is slender and the branches are flexible. Theleaves are glossy green, oblong, and tapering towards the tip. They occur opposite each other and have easy to see...
  31. Edible Portion: Seeds, Leaves, Calyces, Flowers, Vegetable, Fruit, Oil A very large tree with a straight trunk and height of 30-40 m. Trees can be 60 m high and the trunk 8 m around. It has largeprickly buttresses near the base. The branches come out horizontally and there is a ring of them...
  32. Edible Portion: Shoots, Flavouring A tufted bamboo. It loses its leaves during the year. The culm or stem is erect and the tip hangs over. It grows 7-30 m high.The stem is 2.5-7.5 cm across. The wall is very thin. It is a greenish white with hairs below the nodes. The internodes are 25-40cm long....
  33. Edible Portion: Seeds - Drink, Fruit, Spice A larger tree than Arabica coffee. It is an evergreen shrub. It grows to 10 m tall and has thicker, larger leaves. It is shallowrooted with most feeding in the top 12 cm of soil. In heavy shade, trees have a more developed trunk. The leaves are 15-30 cm...
  34. Edible Portion: Seeds, Herb, Flavouring, Fruit, Leaves A medium sized tree. It grows 13-20 m tall. In cultivation it is usually 6-9 m high. It commonly has low branches. The bark isdark green or grey. The small branches are smooth. The leaves are near the tip of the branches. They are 7-22 cm...
  35. Edible Portion: Seeds - Oil A palm.
  36. Edible Portion: Manna, Leaves - Flavouring A slender tree. It grows 25-50 m tall and spreads 25 m wide. The bark is powdery and grey and peels off. The leaves arebroadly sword shaped and rough and green. The young leaves are more broad. The leaves have a lemon scent. The flowersare in clusters...
  37. Edible Portion: Leaves, Flowers A herb or shrub. It is erect and grows 1.5 m high. The leaves are deep green. They are compound and alternate. The flowersare yellow.
  38. Edible Portion: Leaves, Herb, Spice, Lower Stem, Leaves - Tea A coarse clumpy grass about 1 m high. It forms dense tufts and clumps. The stems are hollow and cane like. The leaves havea rough edge and are about 1 m long by 1 cm wide. They curve over. They are pale blue-green. It very rarely...
  39. Edible Portion: Leaves, Leaves - Tea A grass. It is a perennial herb. It grows 0.8-1.5 m tall. It forms tufts. The leaves are 30-100 cm long by 1-2 cm wide. The flowering shoot is 30 cm long and branched. Other names : Bundo, Ceylon citronella, Citronella grass, Ganda-hanchi-khaddi, Ganjni,...
  40. Edible Portion: Shoots A very large densely tufted bamboo. It is a woody grass. It forms large groves. The culms or stems can be 20-30 m high. Theclumps can spread 12-24 m wide. The stalks are 15-20 cm across. They are covered with fine velvety brown hairs when young.The internodes can be 10-20...
  41. Edible Portion: Shoots A bamboo which forms an open clump. The culm or stem is very straight. It grows 20-24 m high. It is 6-10 cm across. It has awhite powdery covering over it when young. It turns green on maturity. The internodes are 22-38 cm long. The lower node hasaerial roots. There are...
  42. Edible Portion: Shoots A bamboo. It grows 5-12 m tall. The culms are 6-8 cm wide. The internodes are green or yellow with green stripes. They are30-45 cm long. The leaves are 10-25 cm long by 2-3 cm wide.
  43. Edible Portion: Leaves, Shoots, Buds, Flowers, Seeds A tree. It grows 6-10 m high. The crown is open. The leaves have 3 leaflets. These are 15 cm long and broadly diamondshaped. The flower clusters are erect and 15-30 cm long with bright red flowers along them. The fruit are woody twisted pods....
  44. Edible Portion: Oil A spreading tree. It grows 15-50 m high. It spreads 10-25 m wide The bark is smooth and light yellow or grey. It sheds in strips.The inner bark is light green or brown. The young stems are square and the young leaves clasp the stems. They are oval and15 cm long. The adult...
  45. Edible Portion: Information not noted at this time. A tree. It grows 55 m tall. The leaves are sword shaped and 10-16 cm long by 2-3 cm wide. The fruit are 5-8 cm long by 4-7 cmwide. It is a subtropical plant.
  46. Edible Portion:Medicine A tree. It grows 30 m tall. The bark is rough and fibrous. The fruit are 1.5 cm long by 1 cm wide. They have
  47. Edible Portion: Manna, Lerp, Nectar A tall tree. It grows 50 m tall. The leaves are narrow and alternate. They are oval and curved. They are 8-24 cm long by 1-4 cmwide. The tip is pointed. The flowers are creamy-white and in bundles of 5-12.
  48. Edible Portion: Shoots A bamboo. It forms loose tufts. The stems are 12 m tall and 6-8 cm wide. The
  49. Edible Portion:Shoots A bamboo. It grows 20-33 m high. The young shoots are brown-green and have dark brown hairs. The stems are 7-9 cmacross. There are aerial roots at the nodes. The internodes are 40 cm long. Branches
  50. Edible Portion: Shoots A bamboo. It is in dense tufts. The centre of the clump is raised above the ground and is irregular. The stems are 7-30 cm talland 5-13 cm across. They have yellow stripes. The internodes are 40-45 cm long
  51. Edible Portion:Seeds, Fruit, Flowers - Flavouring, Leaves A tree which loses its leaves. It grows to 10-25 m high. The trunk is erect and the branches are horizontal. The bark is greyishbrown. The bark peels off in thin flakes. Young parts are covered with silky hairs. The leaves have stalks. The...
  52. Edible Portion: Shoots A bamboo
  53. Edible Portion: Leaves, Herb, Spice, Oil An evergreen tree which grows 10-20 m high. It spreads to 2.5-5 m wide. The bark is smooth and grey. The leaves arealternate. The leaves are oval and shiny and dark green. They are 3-6 cm long. The leaves have wavy edges and are leathery.The flowers are...
  54. Edible portion: Nuts, Seeds A large deciduous tree. It grows 35 m high. The trunk is clear and straight when growing in rainforest. Cultivated trees aresmaller. The leaves are simple and deep green. They are 12 cm long by 6 cm wide. They are papery with scalloped edges.The flowers are showy and...
  55. Edible Portion: Information not noted at this time. A shrub or small tree. It is a tropical plant
  56. Edible Portion: Seeds Kernel, Nuts A medium size evergreen tree. It grows 18 m tall and spreads 15 m wide. It has a bushy habit. Young growth is pale green.Young leaves are long and toothed at the edge. Leaves are 10-20 cm long by 3-5 cm wide. They occur in whorls or rings of 3 or4 leaves. They...
  57. Edible Portion:Seeds Kernel, Nuts A tree which grows 8-15 m high. It spreads to 6-8 m wide. It has a spreading bushy habit. Young growth is red. Young leavesare coarsely toothed. The leaves are 6-30 cm long by 2-5 cm wide. They occur in whorls or rings of 3-5 leaves but usually 4 ina ring. The...
  58. 关键资源 Edible Portion: Seeds, Leaves A bottle shaped tree. It is a tropical plant. It grows in limestone regions.
  59. Edible Portion: Bark - Flavouring, Sap - Flavouring A tall tree. It can be evergreen or deciduous. It grows 35 m tall. It is stiffly erect. Large trees can have small buttresses. Theleaves are mid green and have leaflets along the stalk. There are 3-13 leaflets. These are oval and 9 cm long. They...
  60. Edible Plants: Flowers, Leaves, Seeds An evergreen tree. It grows to a height of 7-18 m with a spread of 3 m. The trunk is erect and branches heavily. The leaves arelarge and compound like the fingers on a hand. There are up to 9 leaflets. The leaflets can be 30 cm long. The leaves are darkgreen...
  61. Edible Portion:Leaves, Seeds - spice, Flowers, Seeds - oil, Vegetable An erect herb. It re-grows each year. It grows from 30 cm to 2 m tall. The stems are square. Plants can be green or purple.The leaf stalk is 3-5 cm long. The leaves are oval and 4.5-10 cm long by 2.8-10 cm wide. They are...
  62. Edible Portion:Leaves - oil, Berries, Spice An evergreen tree. It grows 13 m tall. The bark is brownish. The leaves are leathery and oblong. They are 8-10 cm long and 1-6 cm wide. There are 10-20 pairs of secondary veins. The flowers are small and white. They occur as 15-100 in a group. Thetree...
  63. Edible Portion:Seeds, Nuts, Needles, Bark A pine tree. It is a temperate plant.
  64. Edible Poriton: Shoots A bamboo. It grows 7-9 m tall. The stems are 4 cm across. It is a running plant. The internodes are 40 cm long. There are 2 or3 leaves on the last branch.
  65. Edible Portion: Shoots A large bamboo grass. It grows 1.5-3 m high and spreads 1.8-3 m wide. It can be 10-15 m tall and spread 6-15 m wide. It formsclumps. The canes arch over. The canes are green in the first year then turn mottled to almost black. The canes are hollow andcan be 3 cm thick. ...
  66. Edible Portion: Shoots A large bamboo. It grows 9-18 m high and spreads 6-18 m wide. The culms are 10 cm thick. They are thin walled. Theinternodes are 25-35 cm long. There are 2 or 3 leaves on the last branch. The leaf blades are 9-18 cm long by 1-2 cm wide.
  67. Edible Portion: Seeds, Leaves, Cabbage, SeedOil An evergreen shrub. It grows to 10-16 m high and spreads to 3-6 m across. The stem is erect, formed by the bases of the oldleaves. It is palm like. The leaves are arranged in 2 opposite rows on long leaf stalks which form sheaths around the stem....
  68. Edible portion: Leaves, Seeds, Seeds - oil A small herb. Plants grow up to 1 m tall. It grows each year from seed. The leaves are opposite and 5-8 cm long and 3-5 cmwide. There are notches along the edges. The flowers are small and blue. They are in a spike at the top.
  69. Edible Portion: Seeds, Leaves, Spice, Seeds - Oil, Vegetable A small upright plant. It is an annual plant. It is erect and much branched. It grows 1-2 m tall. The stem is stout and 4 sided. Itis furrowed along its length. It is densely covered with glandular hairs. The leaves are fine and downy....
  70. Edible Portion: Caution A large tree. The bark is grey and has furrows. The leaves are compound with leaflets spread like fingers on hand. There are 5leaflets. The flowers are pink. They are produced before the leaves. It is a tropical plant. It grows in wet, moist and dry forests. It grows from...
  71. Edible Portion:Leaves, Flowers, Spice An annual herb. It grows 1-2 m high. The stems are ribbed. The leaves are compound and alternate or opposite. They are 10-12 cm long with 3-9 leaflets. The leaflets are 1-8 cm long by 5-9 mm wide. The flowers occur in a panicle of heads at the end ofthe...
  72. Edible parts -Seeds, Seeds for chocolate, Herb, Flavouring, Spice, Pulp A small evergreen tree. It grows to 15 m tall. Often it is pruned to be only 6 m tall. The trunk is straight for about 90-159 cmabove the ground then a fan arrangement of branches develops. The leaves are large and simple....
  73. Edible Portion: Seeds - oil A tree which loses its leaves. It grows 6-9 m high and spreads 4.5-6 m wide. It has a rounded crown. The leaves are 5-10 cmlong. They are rounded or almost diamond shaped and dull green. The leaves turn orange or red in autumn. The flowers areyellow-green. The fruit...
  74. Edible Portion: Leaves A clambering shrub or creeper. It grows 5-10 m long or longer. The branches hang down. The stems are cylinder shaped and 5-15 cm across. The leaves are alternate and papery and narrowly oval. They are 4-9 cm long by 2-4 cm wide. They are dulldark green on the upper surface...
  75. Edible Portion: Root, Seeds, Pods, Leaves, Vegetable A herb. It is an upright hairy bean plant which can be 1 m tall. It has many branches. The leaves have 3 leaflets and are darkgreen. The leaves are on long leaf stalks. There are oval stipules at the base of the leaf. Flowers are pale yellow...
  76. Edible Portion: Pod pulp A semi-evergreen tree. It loses some of its leaves in the dry season. It grows 20-30 m high. It spreads 5 m wide. The leavesare glossy olive green. They have a fringe of hairs along the edge. The leaves are made up of 14-42 leaflets. The flowers are inupright panicles....
  77. Edible portion: Gum A tree. It grows 25 m tall. The trunk can be 60 cm across. The bark is smooth and powdery. The throns are straight and white in pairs and 10 cm long. The leaves have spines. The flowers are yellow and in round heads. The fruit are yellow brown pods. They are 13 cm long and...
  78. Edible portion:Fruit, Seeds - oil A small deciduous tree. It can grow to 13 m tall. It has drooping branches. There are thorns on the branches. The plant sends up thorny suckers often at a distance from the tree. These need to be cut off. They can be used for rootstock for grafting. The leaves...
  79. Edible Portion:Seeds, Nuts, Cabbage, Fruit, Palm Heart, Sap, Vegetable, Seeds - Oil An unbranched palm with a stout erect stem. The stem is rough due to the leaf bases which remain attached. It grows to 20-30m tall. The trunk is about 75 cm across. The crown consists of about 40 open leaves....
  80. Edible Portion: Leaves, Fruit, Tubers, Root, Vegetable, Seeds A pumpkin family plant. It is a climbing or trailing herb. It can climb 20 m high. It has single tendrils. It has long tuberous roots.The leaves are heart shaped, with the lobes towards the base in an angular shape. The leaves are 5-10...
  81. Edible Portion:Leaves as condiment, Flavouring, Spice A climbing or creeping herb. It can grow 1 m tall. The leaves are fleshy. The young leaves are often purple underneath. They are 3-8 cm long by 2-4 cm wide. The flowers are in greenish-yellow heads 2 cm long. The fruit are 5-6 mm long. A...
  82. Edible portion: Leaves A tree. It grows 5-25 m tall. The branches are 4 angled. The tips have a brown coating. The leaf stalk is 1-5 cm long and has a channel along it and is slightly hairy. The leaf blade is oval and 13-26 cm long by 6-14 cm wide. It is slightly hairy underneath. The flowers are...
  83. Edible portion: Fruit, Kernel, Nuts A tree up to 8 m high. It can be 30 m high. It is evergreen and has an open crown. The branches are mostly horizontal. The leaves are oval but taper towards both ends. They can be 6-25 cm long by 2.5-8 cm wide. They are shiny and bright green. The leaves are...
  84. Edible Portion: Leaves A herb. It grows 0.5-1 m tall. It grows from seed each year. The stems are angular and green. The leaves are deeply lobed.The lobes are along the stalk. They also have coarse, sharp teeth. The flower heads are single. They have long stalks and areyellow. The fruit is dry.
  85. Edible portion : Fruit, Seeds, Leaves, - Seeds-oil, Flowers, Roots A small tree or shrub 8-10 m high. It is evergreen. It has smooth bark which is mottled. The bark peels off in smooth flakes. The plant branches close to the ground. The branches are four angled. Trees are shallow rooted. The...
  86. Edible Portion: Leaves A perennial shrub. It grows to 0.5-1 m tall. Plants are clumpy bushes about 75 cm high and 60 cm wide. The leaves are 2-3 cmlong. They are small, oblong and have teeth around the edge. The flower heads are on the tips of stems. They are in clustersand are white. The fruit...
  87. Edible portion:Leaves, Rhizome, Root, Flowers, Spice, Vegetable A herb 1-2 m tall. It forms tillers. It keeps growing from year to year. It has long leaves which form a sheath at the bottom. The leaves are 30-60 cm long by 7-8 cm wide. They have red spots along the middle vein. The flowers are...
  88. Edible portion : Rhizome, Roots, Leaves, Seeds, Herb, Spice, Flowers, Vegetable A herb which grows year after year. It grows to 1.6 m high and spreads to 1 m across. The rootstock creeps under the ground. This is round like a cylinder and branches. This thick rhizome can be 10-12 cm long by 3 cm...
  89. Edible Portion:Pods, Seeds, Leaves, Fruit, Bark, Vegetable, Flowers, It is a leafy shrub or a spreading tree. It loses its leaves during the year. It can grow to 12 m tall. The leaves are broad and lobed. The bark is rough and brown. The leaves are simple and can be 20 cm across. The tip of the...
  90. Edible portion: Sap, Roots, Flowers A tall thick stemmed clumpy grass. It has many nodes. It grows 1-6 m tall. It spreads 100 cm wide. A large number of different cultivated varieties occur. The leaves are long and narrow. They taper to the tip. They are rigid and droop at the tip. The cane...
  91. Edible portion:Seeds, Leaves, Fruit, Flowers, Flowers - tea, Gum, Vegetable A small tree up to 15- 20 m tall with long cracks in the bark. It is often a smaller tree about 3-5 m high. It is spiny and deciduous. Some kinds have thorns 5 cm long. The young branches are smooth and green. The bark is...
  92. Fruit, Vegetable Edible parts -Fruit, Seeds, Spice, Vegetable, Flowers A shrub. It grows up to 2-6 m tall. It has short thorns. It can grow up to 10 m tall. Usually trees lose their leaves at one seasonduring the year. The trunk is covered by reddish-brown bark. Trees often sucker near the base....
  93. Edible portion : Flowers, Leaves, Root, Bulb, Herb, Vegetable An onion family plant. It is a herb which keeps growing year after year. It can be 40 cm high. It grows in clumps. These onions have rhizomes but no real bulbs. The leaves are long and grass like, and flat and solid. They are 15-30 cm...
  94. Edible portion: Seeds, Nut, Leaves, Vegetable A deciduous tree up to 7-20 m high. It spreads to 4 m across. It loses many of its leaves during the hot dry season of the year. The stem is erect and slender. The bark is smooth and light brown. The leaves are green and divided twice into leaflets....
  95. Edible Portion: Fruit, Leaves, Seeds, Spice An evergreen tree. It grows 12-15 m tall. It spread to 4 m across. It has a dark green round crown of compound leaves. Thesealmost hide the trunk. The trunk is short, erect and thick. The leaves are leathery. The tree flowers in autumn. Male and female...
  96. Edible portion : Shoots, Leaves, Fruit A large herb. It grows 4 m tall. The flowering shoots are erect and 45 cm long. The flowers are green, yellow or orange. They have red or orange bracts around them. It is a tropical plant. It grows in the moist lowlands. Cairns Botanical Gardens.
  97. Edible parts -Fruit, Flowers, Nuts, Seeds, Seeds - oil, Vegetable A deciduous tree. A compact tree which loses its leaves during the year. It grows to 15-25 m tall and has a spreading crown.The trunk is short and stout and can be 2 m across. The bark is corky. The bark is dark with cracks making...
  98. Edible portion:Leaves, Bark A tree that loses its leaves. It grows 15-25 m tall. The trunk is 1 m across. The leaves are 30-60 cm long and twice divided. There are 16-20 pinnae and each on has 20-40 oval leaflets. These are 5-25 mm long and 4-10 mm wide. The flowers are yellow and 3-4 cm across....
  99. Edible parts -Leaves, Fruit, Herb, Spice, Vegetable It is a shrubby perennial plant about 1 m tall. The leaves are smaller than round capsicums or bell peppers. Two or more flowersoccur together in the axils of leaves. They have small pointed fruit about 1-2 cm long and they are red when ripe....
  100. Edible portion: Seeds, Gum A medium sized shrub 3-8 m tall. It spreads 2-4 m across. The branches have white hairs. The bark can be silvery when young and turns red with age. The leaves (phyllodes) are large and light green. They are 10-15 (-23) cm long by 4-6 cm wide. They are thick and curved...
  101. Edible portion:Roots, Leaves, Fruit, Seeds, Bark, Sprouts, Flowers, Vegetable A large tree. It grows up to 25 m tall. It loses its leaves during the year. The branches are thick, angular and spread out wide. The trunk is short and stout and can be 10-14 m around. Often the trunk has deep grooves...
  102. Edible Portion: Leaves, Oil, Seeds, Flowers A cabbage family herb. It is an annual plant. It grows 1.5 m tall. It usually has a strong taproot. The stem is erect. The leaveshave blue-green colour. The lower leaves have leaf stalks. The leaf blade is 5-20 cm long. The veins have some bristles. The...
  103. Edible Portion: Seeds, Fruits, Nuts A medium sized tree. It grows 20 m tall. The trunk can be slightly fluted. The leaves are simple and alternate. The leaves are clustered at the ends of branches and arranged in spirals. They are 6-20 cm long by 3-6 cm wide. The leaves are widest above the...
  104. Edible parts -Fruit, Seeds, Leaves, Spice, Herb, Leaves - tea A medium sized tree. It grows 13-15 m tall. It keeps its leaves throughout the year. The bark is silver grey and has an aroma. Itpeels off in long strips. The wood is hard, durable and close grained. The leaves are dark green, shiny...
  105. A shrub. It grows 2 m tall. It has long slender branches. The twigs are green and ribbed. The leaves are alternate and twice divided. There is a large gland at the base of the leaf stalk. The leaves have 2-5 pairs of pinnae and these have 12-18 pairs of leaflets. These are 3-4 mm long. It is a...
  106. Edible portion:Seeds - oil A tree. It grows 10-30 m high. The trunk is 50 cm across. The crown is narrow. The leaves have 3-5 alternately arranged leaflets. The leaflets are broadly oval. They taper to a tip. The flowers are small and creamy-white. They turn yellow. The fruit are pods in...
  107. Edible portion: Gum, Seeds - oil An evergreen tree. It grows to 17-20 m height and spreads about 5 m wide. It has lots of leaves and forms a dense round crown. The stems are erect and stout. The bark is greyish-green. It is rough and hard. The branches are angular. The leaves (phyllodes) are...
  108. Edible Portion:Leaves, Seeds, Vegetable, Flowers, Leaves - Tea A herb about 1 m high and spreads 45 cm wide. A small annual leafy green. An upright, much branched annual with a thinmembrane covering the stems. Sometimes the plant lies over. The stems are angular. The plant branches in the upper...
  109. Edible Portion: Fruit, Bark - drink, Kernel, Nuts, Seed An evergreen tree. It can lose its leaves. It often has buttresses. The bark is smooth and grey. It flakes off in thin strips. Itgrows to 25 m tall and spreads to 4 m across. It has a dense matted fibrous root system. The stem is erect and...
  110. Fruit Edible parts -Fruit, Kernel, Seeds, Nuts A large tree. It grows 20-45 m tall. The trunk can be 1 m across. There can be buttresses. The branches are thick. There is adense covering of leaves. The leaves are oval or sword shaped. They are towards the ends of the branches. They are arrangedin...
  111. Edible portions: Fruit, Leaves, Flowers - pistil A deciduous shrub or vine. It can be erect or spreading. It grows 3 m high. The branches are weak and arching. The side branches end in short leafless spines. It forms suckers freely. The leaves are oval and grey-green and taper to the tip. They...
  112. Edible Portion: Seeds, Leaves A small evergreen shrub. It has many stems. It grows to about 1.6 m tall but can grow to 2.5 m tall in good growing conditions.It has a long tap root. The leaves are 3-5 cm long. They are divided into 4 pairs of leaflets. The leaflets are oval and leathery.They are...
  113. Edible portion:Fruit, Herb, Flavouring, Spice, Flowers A small evergreen tree up to 4-8 m tall. It spreads to 2 m across. The stem is erect, branching and thorny. The leaves are dark green, and long and narrow in shape. They are 3-4 cm long. There is only a narrow wing on the leaf stalk. It has a...
  114. Edible Portion: Leaf Bud, Seeds, Gel, Flowers A perennial succulent plant 80 cm high. It spreads to 1 m wide. It develops suckers. The leaves form a rosette or ring justabove the ground. They are fleshy and long. They are curved outwards or rounded underneath. They taper to a blunt point.They are...
  115. Edible Portion: Leaves, Herb, Flowers A shrub to 1.5-3 m high. It spreads to 3 m across. It keeps growing from year to year. It loses its leaves during the year. Theleaves are slender and green. They are 10 cm long. They smell strongly of lemon. Under the leaves there are oil glands whichgive a...
  116. Edible Portion: Flowers, Leaves, Root, Bulb, Herb, Spice, Vegetable An onion family plant. It is a herb which grows one year, then flowers the next. It is up to 30 cm tall. A narrow leafed onionwhich forms dense clumps. The leaves are hollow and narrow. They are 10-25 cm long by 0.1 cm in cross...
  117. Edible Portion:Fruit, Leaves, Seeds, Vegetable, Seeds - Oil A pumpkin family plant. It is a hairy annual climber with tendrils and yellow flowers. It grows to 0.5 m high and spreads to 2 mwide. The stem is trailing and has bristles. The leaves are heart shaped and the lobes taper. Leaf shape...
  118. Edible portion:Nuts, Flavouring, Leaves - tea, Seeds - oil A large tree up to 55 m high. Trees lose their leaves during the year. Branches extend upwards giving the tree an open, rounded crown and the tree can be 8 m wide. The stem is stout and erect. The bark is grey and furrowed with an...
  119. Food Plants International Edible portion : Seeds, Cereal A millet grass. It is erect. It grows from seed every year. It grows about 50 cm high. It forms tillers or new shoots are the base of the stem. The leaves are narrow. They can be 15 cm long. It has 2 to 4 racemes per inflorescence. These...
  120. Edible Portion: Fruit, Seeds, Leaves, Flowers, Vegetable A climbing, pumpkin family plant. The vine can be 3 m long. The plant re-grows from seed each year. The vines are thick,furrowed and hairy. The leaves are heart shaped with 5 to 7 lobes. They are rough to touch. Flowers are yellow. The...
  121. Edible Portion: Fruit, Kernel, Seeds, Oil, Nuts A shrub or small evergreen tree. It grows 1-6 m tall. The branches are long, flexible and whip-like. The leaves are evenlyspaced and leathery. They are rounded and stiffly erect. They are simple and rich green. The flowers are small and...
  122. Edible Portion: Young Flowers, Palm Hearts, Cabbage, Seed palm. It can have a single stem or up to 10 stems. They can be 0.1-7 m tall and 2-12 cm wide. They are light brown. Thereare 6-23 leaves and the blades are 2 m long. The leaflets may be regular or irregular. There are 3-41 curved leaflets...
  123. Edible Portion: Flowers, Leaves, Root, Bulb An onion family plant. It is a herb. It grows 20-50 cm high. The leaves sheath the base. The bulb is oblong. The leaves arenearly round and hollow. The flowers are purple or pink and small. They are lily shaped and occur as several together is a tight...
  124. Edible Portion:Leaves, Caution, Honey, Seeds A high shrub or small tree. It is deciduous and has a thin crown. It is up to 5-8 m high. It has milky sap. The leaves have 3-5lobes. They are 6 cm long by 15 cm wide. Flowers are separately male and female on the same plant. They are small and...
  125. Edible :Fruit, Kernel, Nuts, Seeds, A large tree. It grows up to 18 m tall. Young branches have dense brown hairs. The leaves are clustered at the tips of flowering branches and alternate on non fruiting branches. They are broadly sword shaped and pointed. They are 10-25 cm long by 5-7 cm wide....
  126. Edible Portion: Seeds, Leaves, Fruit, Vegetable, Flowers A pumpkin family plant. It is an annual vine with large leaves. It can grow 3-9 m long and spread 3-6 m wide. The thick stemshave furrows along them. It can climb over logs by attaching the tendrils which grow out of the stem near the leaf....
  127. Edible :Nuts, Seeds, Seeds-oil, Sap - syrup, A tall deciduous tree. It grows up to 30 m high. It has a large crown. The trunk can be 120 cm across. The trunk is straight and the crown open. The leaves are alternate and there are 14-22 leaflets then a leaflet at the end. The end leaflet is often...
  128. Edible Portion: Fruit, Flower Shoots, Cabbage, Palm Heart, Vegetable, Seed A tall slender palm with thorny trunk and suckers at the base. It often has between 1 and 13 stems. The stems are straight andun-branched. They are 6-24 m tall, 12-26 cm in diameter, with nodes 2-9 cm long and internodes...
  129. Edible :Fruit, Kernel, Nuts, A medium sized tree. It grows 10-15 m high but can be 40 m high. The trunk is 30 cm across. The tree branches at about 1 m high. The leaves are simple and alternate. The flowers occur singly or in small groups. They are usually on leafless twigs. The fruit is medium...
  130. Edible : Seeds, Nuts A tree which keeps its leaves through the year. They loose some leaves in colder regions. It grows to 12-15 m tall. It spread out widely. The branches are large and spread widely almost reaching the ground. The leaves are narrow and oval. They are 5-13 cm long. The edge is...
  131. Edible Portion:Leaves, Fruit, Herb, Spice, Vegetable, Flowers A shrub 1-2 m high. It can grow 4-10 m high. It loses its leaves during the year. The trunk is slender and flexible. The leaveshave stalks. The leaves have leaflets along the stalk. These are alternate and have stalks. There are 11-15...
  132. Edible portion:Root - oil for flavouring A tropical grass. It keeps growing from year to year. It has stout roots. It grows 2 m high. It grows in dense tufts. The leaf blades are 90 cm long by 4-10 mm wide. The flower panicle is oblong and 13-30 cm long. It is a tropical plant. It grows in areas...
  133. Edible Portion: Fruit, Cabbage, Sap, Palm Heart, Flowers, Nuts-Oil A tall unbranched evergreen palm. It grows to 30 m high. The trunk can be 30-40 cm across. The trunk is covered with fibresand has the bases of old leaves along it. It produces suckers on the trunk and at the base. The fronds are...
  134. Edible portion : Stem, Flowers, Fruit, Buds, Seeds, Roots A large herb. It grows 3-10 m tall. It keeps growing from year to year by re-growing new stalks from the underground root stock. The leaves are green and 3 m long. The flowers are purple. The fruit are pale yellow. They are 3 sided and 8...
  135. Edible portion:Fruit, Aril, Pods, Seeds, Seeds - oil A shrub or small tree. It grows up to 10 m tall but can be 15-25 m tall. The trunk can be 50-60 cm across. There are many branches. The branches are spiny. These are in pairs and are 4-10 mm long. The young leaves are usually reddish. The...
  136. Edible Portion: Leaves, Seeds - Spice, Flowers - Colouring, Vegetable, Root - Tea A bushy herb. It can grow as an annual plant but it can keep growing from year to year from the thick tuberous root. It grows to60-200 cm high and spreads to 60 cm wide. The stem is short, thick and branching. The...