1. This collection contains resourcesused in the ECHO AsiaSeed Storage Technologies Workshop on 25 Feb 2022.
  2. 2022-03-03 Featured in this AN Playing with Water Wheels: Exploring Low-Cost Methods for Pumping Irrigation Water A 'Successful Failure': Introducting SALT Technology in Northern Thailand Virtual Training Opportunities- email us at echoasia@echocommunity.org
  3. 关键资源 1990-01-01 This manual is intended to be a guide to the vegetable production training course for developing country specialists offered at the Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center. It is designed as well to be a resource book for extension subject matter specialists and vocational agriculture...
  4. 2022-03-01 一个目标驱使戴夫两年前来到泰国。在这里,山地的少数民族农民尽管努力使用了更多的化肥,但他们的作物产量一直较低。
  5. 2022-03-01 当我们寻找可持续和替代性的抽水解决方案时,我们的团队开始有“玩”水车的想法,从而为低海拔农田提供灌溉用水。我们最初开始研究和测试一种名为吊带泵(Sling Pump)的泵,但在测试了几个原型后放弃了。困难主要包括DIY组装麻烦、成本、专业部件以及最终的效率。
  6. 2022-04-08 We welcomeyou to the ECHO Asia Farm on Friday April 8th, 2022 for our On-Farm Feeds Workshop. In this training you will learn about: Animal feed needs, types of feed and feed ratio calculation On-Farm Feed Additives and Supplements Hands on activity: Making On-Farm Feeds for animals at the ECHO...
  7. 2022-03-18
  8. 1966-01-01 475 pages, illustrated
  9. Abstract,IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci, 2018 Soybeans in Indonesia are mostly used for raw material of tempeh industry. This study aims to identify 150 soybean genotypes for their suitability for raw materials of tempeh and adaptability to be developed in tropical area of Indonesia. The...
  10. 2022-04-22 Have you wondered what has been happening across the Asia region over the last couple of years? Have you, your team, or your neighbor had a breakthrough recently? Let's share together and celebrate! On April 22nd, ECHO Asia will hold a virtual symposium, welcoming attendees from across the...