1. 2022-02-25
  2. These are a few images from the Seed Saving Fundamentals Course on 28 January2022CLICK HERE to return toworkshop resources.
  3. 1994-01-01 4 paperback volumes Booklet 1: General information - This book provides the general information covering a variety of topics including: an introduction to the workshop process, how to use these manuals, identification, collection and preparation of medicine, common units of measurement,...
  4. Covers aspects of farm managementand water conservation, animal husbandry, planting tree crops, and soil fertility management.
  5. Farmers in upland area throughout the world face similar problems. They generally cultivate feilds on moderately to severe sloping land with thin, easily eroded soils in areas where rainy season is short but intense.
  6. 2021-06-01 What Steps Should I Take?
  7. 2021-06-01 [编者按:这只是一个地区小规模生猪作业的生物安全计划的一个例子,可以作为模板使用。不太可能所有措施都是切合实际或适合您的情况的,因此应该根据您农场的需要和优先顺序进行调整。建议采用的任何此类农场计划都是与您的团队在整个农场范围内进行讨论的结果,以便最大限度地获得接受、理解和实践。]
  8. 2021-06-01 非洲猪瘟病毒及其对全球猪肉生产的影响随着全球经济的繁荣,对动物蛋白的需求也在上升。猪肉已成为其肉类消费最多的陆地动物,占全球肉类消费总量的37%(Beltrán-Alcrudo 等人,2017)。亚洲猪肉产量增幅最大(图1),占2018 年全球猪肉产量的55%(FAOSTAT,2018)。自2011 年以来,全球猪肉总产值一直徘徊在3000 亿美元左右(FAOSTAT,2020)。2018 年,随着非洲猪瘟病毒(ASFV)在亚洲的爆发,这一切都改变了。这种致命的病毒导致生猪数量大幅减少,并导致全球猪肉产量和猪肉蛋白消费量大幅减少。据估计,在过去两年中,...
  9. Chickpea (Cicer arietinum) is a very drought-tolerant, nitrogen-fixing, cool season crop that tolerates heat during fruiting and ripening. It is grown as a cool season annual in a broad belt through the Mediterranean region to the subtropical and tropical regions of Asia, Europe, Central, and...
  10. Maize is an annual, warm-climate crop in the grass family, thriving in open sunny environments with daytime temperatures of 20-24C. Maize is used fresh, frozen, canned, rolled and roasted for corn flakes, pressed for oil, or processed for ethanol as fuel. Maize is also an important feed source...